Friday, August 31, 2012

Details of Inverter-based DER Devices Modelled in IEC 61850-90-7

Functions and Information Exchanges for Inverter-based DER Devices are modeled in IEC 61850-90-7. What does this document provide? A lot of useful models for real functions needed (today and in the near future) in power distribution systems with massive renewable power fed into the grid. The main models can be found in a document published the other day (see link below).

You can find many functions described and modeled in IEC 61850-90-7, e.g., frequency-watt mode:


This frequency-watt mode addresses the issue that high frequency often is a sign of too much power in the grid, and vice versa. These extreme deviations from nominal frequency can cause grid instability, particularly if they cause significant amounts of generating equipment to trip off-line.
One method for countering this over-power problem is to reduce power in response to rising frequency (and vice versa if storage is available). Adding hysteresis provides additional flexibility for determining the active power as frequency returns toward nominal.

The IEC 61850-90-7 has been written to meet crucial needs in the power delivery system. This document has to be seen in conjunction with other standards as depicted in the UML diagram below:


The electrical measurements like voltage, current and frequency are defined in IEC 61850-7-4 Ed2.

Note that the conversion of almost all models into UML (Enterprise Architect) will be completed soon. The huge model will be used to maintain the models in future. This is a crucial step toward tool based standardization.

Download the models based on IEC 61850-90-7 [pdf, 1.1 MB]

Vulnerability in the RuggedCom Rugged Operating System (ROS) – Bulletin from RuggedCom

RuggedCom has posted today (2012-08-31) some important information about the RuggedCom Private Key Vulnerabilities for HTTPS/SSL and SSH.

On that page you find crucial information about affected products, descriptions of the Vulnerabilities, fixes, and recommendations.

As this Vulnerabilities shows there is a need for an increasing awareness of security issues – and a need for more resources: to develop, implement and apply security measures – and education.

When did you talk last time with your management about making your system or IED more secure? Maybe it’s time to talk to them again … and again … and again.

Do you know the most secure protocol? No? It is the protocol that never was developed, implemented, or in use. ;-)

I am kidding. Sure. The Internet was originally invented for “wide-open” communications. This is long-time ago. Today it could be assumed that many new application domains will use the “Internet Technology” to build the x-Webs (Energy-Web, Power-Web, Smart Grid Web, …).

Be serious on security! Please!

Access the RuggedCom Security Updates.

C# Server and Client Application Source Code for IEC 61850 DLL

NettedAutomation has updated the C# Client AND SERVER application (GUI) of the IEC 61850 Evaluation Kit (DLL). You can use the SystemCorp DLL (dated back to 2010) from the evaluation package downloaded from the above NettedAutomation link. If you have installed the IEC 61850 DLL before March 2012 it will not run anymore on your PC (it runs for 6 just months). In that case you can install it on a different machine – maybe you have a new PC anyway since you tested the DLL.

The C# application source code and executable code as well as documentation and the appropriate SCL files for the client and the server are provided via the link below.

The new Server GUI supports manipulating values in the server application, e.g., the temperature and setting for temperature alarms at the server:


The client application allows to see results from polling and Reports:


You may just use another browser (e.g., the Omicron IEDScout) to connect to the server and retrieve the model and the values:


Download the complete C# application examples for the IEC 61850 DLL [zipped file, 1 MB].

Details on downloading the DLL evaluation package could be found here.

IEC 61850 for SCADA! – Are you looking for a new Job?

Are you highly-motivated to use your IEC 61850 skills; like challenges; are you collaborative; is this what you are looking for? Read on…

Southern California Edison is “looking for highly motivated individuals who enjoy the challenge of working on key industry changing projects. They need your good ideas and your contributions to remain a leader in this industry. … This position will report to the Power System Controls (PSC) SCADA Maintenance group. The successful candidate will work with the Centralized Remedial Action Scheme (CRAS) project team and the suppliers on the implementation of the system, learning the tools and processes required for the maintenance of the Central Controller systems.”

A crucial requirement is the experience of IEC 61850, DNP, and ICCP (Inter-Control Center Communications protocols).

Check the complete Job description.

Libraries – New License Policy for IEC 61850 Stack and API from SystemCorp

SystemCORP Embedded Technology Pty Ltd (Bentley WA 6102, Australia) offers a very modern and brand-new license policy for precompiled Libraries (Windows and Linux) for IEC 61850 Source code for their Stack and API effective August 2012 meeting the market demands.

The prices depend on the number of signals implemented: 1-100, 101-500, 501-1500, 1501-5000, 5000+

There are two options to chose from:

  1. End User Server/Client (Windows and Linux); based on quantities
  2. Re‐distributable Server/Client (Windows and Linux); royalty free with application

They offer the following services:

Built in Server & Client Function (based on ICD/CID configuration file)
‐ Reporting (buffered and unbufferd)
‐ MMS Services
‐ GOOSE Publisher (Server) and Subscriber (Client)
‐ Logging (Custom XML file format)(**)
‐ Application Programming Interface (API) manual published on

In addition to the new pricing it is also crucial to understand that the package comes with a build-in API that can be used by the application software immediately.

Most of the needed definitions in edition 2 of the core documents (7-2, 7-3, 7-4, 8-1 and 6) have been implemented. Most Object models (LN, DO) of other standards like IEC 61400-25-2 (Wind Turbines) can easily be implemented using the corresponding models in the CID file.

Contact SystemCorp by email for a quote.

Note also the new prices for the IEC 61850 source code.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Tissue Database for IEC 62439-3 PRP and HSR

Please not that the tissue database for the following standards is open for posting technical issues (tissues):

PRP (Parallel Redundancy Protocol) is a data communication network standardized by the International Electrotechnical Commission, Geneva, as IEC 62439-3 Clause 4

HSR (High-availability Seamless Redundancy) is a data communication network standardized by the International Electrotechnical Commission, Geneva, as IEC 62439-3 Clause 5

Access for the tissue database.

BDEW Whitepaper on Security in Power Systems

The well-accepted dual-language BDEW Whitepaper

- Requirements for Secure Control and Telecommunication Systems
- Anforderungen an sichere Steuerungs- und Telekommunikationssysteme

is now available at a new link:

Download Security Whitepaper [pdf].

Monday, August 27, 2012

USE61400-25 Users Group at LinkedIn

The USE61400-25 user group’s main objective is to ease the use of IEC 61400-25 and support users implementing the standard within the wind power industry:

There has a new group on IEC 61400-25 been created at LinkedIn

Note that IEC 61400-25 is build on IEC 61850. The crucial parts of IEC 61850, e.g., IEC 61850-7-2, –7-3, –7-4, –6, and –8-1 and various communication stacks and APIs can be re-used for most of the applications of wind power applications.

There is some crucial work going on to coordinate the future revision of IEC 61400-25 with IEC 61850.

IEC 61400-25 is also a topic on the training courses conducted at the Remote Conference in Denver (CO) on September 18/19, 2012 and in Frankfurt/M (Germany) on October 17-19, 2012:

More details on the IEC 61850/61400-25 training sessions.

NettedAutomation has also a booth the Remote Conference and Exhibition (booth #45) showing several software and hardware solutions for IEc 61850 and IEC 61400-25 (stack software, API, gateway between DNP3/Modbus/IEC60870-5-104 and IEC 61850, other embedded controller).

TÜV SÜD Conformance Test Lab for IEC 61850 accredited

TÜV SÜD (Munich, Germany) has been authorized on August 24, 2012 to perform IEC 61850 Conformance Testing (for servers) in accordance with the Users Group Quality Assurance Testing Program Procedures. TÜV SÜD is a third party test lab that offers Level A tests.



Barthstrasse 16
80339 München / Munich
Mr. Peter Pfisterer

It could be expected that this new test lab will speed up the tests for IEDs with IEC 61850 server functionalities – and it is likely that the total cost for a certificate will be lower than before.

The first tests run have already helped to improve the quality of products.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

New Source Code License Policy for IEC 61850 Stack and API from SystemCorp

SystemCORP Embedded Technology Pty Ltd (Bentley WA 6102, Australia) offers a brand-new license policy for IEC 61850 Source code for their Stack and API effective August 2012 meeting the market demands. The new policy is extremely suitable for manufacturers that plan to implement IEC 61850 into more than one product.

They offer the following easy to understand options:

  1. Portable Server AND Client IEC 61850 Stack and API Source Code
    License for one (1) product
  2. Extension License for Portable Server AND Client Stack and API Source Code License for an additional product
  3. Unlimited Company Wide Portable Client AND Server IEC 61850 Stack and API Source Code License
  4. Annual Service and Maintenance Contract

License fees stated under item 1, 2 and 3 are one off costs. No other license fees or royalties for re-distribution of customer products apply.

In addition to the new pricing it is also crucial to understand that the package comes with a build-in API that can be used by the application software immediately.

Most of the needed definitions in edition 2 of the core documents (7-2, 7-3, 7-4, 8-1 and 6) have been implemented. Most Object models (LN, DO) of other standards like IEC 61400-25-2 (Wind Turbines) can easily be implemented using the corresponding models in the CID file.

Contact SystemCorp by email for a quote.

The IEC 61850 portable software stack and API comprises:

Server and Client Function using static CID configuration file with inbuilt functions:
- Reporting (buffered and unbuffered)
- MMS Services
- GOOSE Publisher (Server) and Subscriber (Client)
- Sampled Values Publisher (Server)
- Logging (Custom XML file format)(*)

Pre-compiled libraries based on platform:
- Windows™ Library (dll) and/or
- Linux Ubuntu Library and/or
- Standard Linux library matching customer tool chain and kernel definition for one embedded hardware platform(**)

Pre-compiled libraries are also available as stand-alone products (without the need of the source code purchase).

Application Programming Interface (API) published on
- 2 x free SystemCORP ICD Designer
- 1 x free SystemCORP eNode Workbench(***) allowing customer for testing ICD/CID files and simulating simple server and client functions
(*) Customer specific file formats on request. Engineering charges may apply.
(**) Porting to non-standard Linux tool chains/kernels or propriety software operating systems engineering charges might apply.
(***) Available from January 2013

Analysis of Indian Power Outage end of July 2012 published the other day

Guess you remember the biggest blackout that ever happened in India end of July 2012 – leaving several 100 Million people without power for some time!

A first comprehensive report has been published:


16th AUGUST 2012

What happened on the 30th and 31st of July? A lot!

The Substation Protection Automation systems, for example, all over worked quite well. The report lists 100+ tripping events of protection devices !! That means many lines were taken out of service in order to protect the lines, switches, transformers, generators, … Before a line is damaged by overload, it is disconnected from the power flow – it operates like a “smart” fuse. Indian people should be thankful that most protection functions worked well.

My summary of the report is:

  • Experts figured out that the power delivery systems in India are very huge and very complex.
  • Investments to maintain and operate these complex systems and to keep them stable with the growing demand were far too low.
  • A list of short, medium and long term actions are suggested to prevent such events in the future.

One issue regarding communication is very interesting, the report states that: “The existing communication network should be maintained properly. RTUs and communication equipments should have uninterrupted power supply with proper battery back up so that in case of total power failure, supervisory commands & control channels do not fail.

My personal experience in the early 1970s was that battery back up systems are often badly maintained. I was responsible for a brand-new centralized fire alarm system with 6,500 manual fire alarm detectors. The control system crashed at least once a week. As a young man (21) I could not accept that the manufacturer of that huge fire protection system did not act properly to investigate what the problem was; the customer was quite angry. I was too young to do my own deep inside analysis of the problem. I didn’t even have the instruments to do it. So, I quit my job and went back to school and university … and came back to the same company after 7 1/2 years (and father of four kids). I started as an engineer in 1981 – in the area of communication for process automation (IEEE 802.3 Ethernet, IEEE 802.4 Token Bus, MAP, Profibus, … ).

Later somebody reported to me what the cause of the problems of the centralized system was: BADLY MAINTAINED Back-Up Power Supply before it was installed! The batteries were stored in the basement for one year – without anybody keeping an eye on it. The physical laws hit back after the batteries were installed.

A system is as weak as its weakest link.

I guess the results of the investigation are not new. Many engineers have warned all over all the time that more investment is needed to keep the lights on.

Download the complete 70 page report [pdf, 830 KB].

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Security Issue with RuggedCom Network Devices

The operating system (ROS) used in RuggedCom network devices has (according to the ICS-CERT Operations Center) a problem with a private key which may be used by an attacker.

A report states, that “the vulnerability can be used to decrypt SSL traffic between an end user and a RuggedCom network device.”

Access the complete Report from ICS-Cert.

The other day I said:

It is HIGHLY recommended to ALL stakeholders in the energy
industry to keep an close eye on the security issues!!

I hope that more responsible managers will understand that implementing the needed measures is crucial to meeting their mission (not looking to comply with a standard or other specification) – this costs money … but it is a prerequisite for running your business in the future!

Don’t expect that nothing will happen!

Experts, responsible for Substation Automation Systems that use ROS based network devices, should keep an eye on the issue!

New Work Item Proposal – Mapping between DLMS/COSEM (IEC 62056) data models and IEC 61850 data models

It was just a matter of time before an official work item was suggested to look into some kind of “co-operation” of information models developed for metering data (DLMS/COSEM, IEC 62056) and power system automation (IEC 61850).

Here is the proposal: IEC TC 57/1276/NP with the title:

“Mapping between the DLMS/COSEM (IEC 62056) data models and the IEC 61850 data models”

The ballot closes 2012-11-23.

Data derived from current and voltage and other sensors play an important role in the electric delivery system: on all voltage levels and all over!

With more needs for monitoring and controlling the system, substation automation functionality will be needed at any voltage level. It would be an advantage if automation functions could tap information provided by revenue meters.

A crucial objective is to find out and document which data objects can be used from the revenue meter and how these data objects map into the IEC 61850 information model.

This activity shows that IEC 61850 (originally positioned at medium and high voltage substations) is a kind of a core technology for more and more applications throughout the electric power delivery system. It has the potential to uniquely bridge the gap between islands of information found in systems providing electric power (utilities, factories, power plants, …).

Models like the IEC 61850 MMXU are universally applicable to any voltage level of an A.C. electrical system.

Monday, August 20, 2012

IEC 61850 Course conducted by TÜV SÜD in Beijing (China), 06.-07. September 2012

IEC 61850亚洲培训 2012_北京

IEC 61850 : 如何应用?
IEC 61850系列标准,由国际电工委员会第57技术委员会颁布,适用于电力设备自动化通信网络和系统。本标准可以应用于变电站内,变电站与调度中心之间,以及各级调度中心之间,是开发电力系统远动无缝通信系统的基础。采用该标准系列将大大提高变电站自动化系统的技术水平和安全稳定运行水平,节约开发、验收、维护系统的人力物力,实现完全的互操作性。 另外,IEC 61850 标准的第二版也适用于分布式能源系统的开发管理(如:可再生能源的发电和存储)。

TÜV南德意志大中华集团与中国电力科学研究院 通力合作,组织此次培训,将讲授应用IEC 61850涉及的所有实用知识与经验。培训第一天,将学习IEC 61850 第二版的理论知识 ,并讨论费用/利益的相关话题。培训第二天,集中研究通讯协议的实际应用(软件/硬件开发),并解释按照UCA 测试流程进行认证的步骤。

All details of the IEC 61850 training like program and pricing are available for download.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Functional Constraint CO “Control” missing in IEC 61850-7-2 Edition 2

Somebody asked me today: “I did not find the CO Functional Constraint among the Functional Constraint list in IEC61850-7-2{ed2.0}.pdf, section FunctionalConstraint (FC). Please advise what does it represent?”

In IEC 61850-7-2 Ed1, IEC 61850-7-3 Ed1, and IEC 61850-8-1 Ed1 the control model was described partly in 7-2, 7-3 and 8-1. Now we have the complete control model defined in IEC 61850-7-2 Ed2 – without any mapping issue! in IEC 61850-7-3 Ed2 we have defined for controllable data objects (CDCs: SPC, DPC, …) that the service is Control and the payload is as defined in IEC 61850-7-2 Ed2.

CDC: SPC, DPC, INC, ENC, BSC, ISC, APC, BAC adds the control service at the end of the CDCs for controllable data objects:


That is the reason why we have removed the FC=CO from IEC 61850-7-3 Ed2 (and IEC 61850-7-2 Ed2).

The FC=CO is introduced in the mapping in IEC 61850-8-1 Ed2.

From an implementation point of view (in MMS terms) it is more or less the same in Ed1 and Ed2 of the three parts. The description has changed – it is cleaner now … if you know where to find it … I agree it’s a bit confusing …

The Data Objects of CDC for settings like SPG, ING, … are not using the control services to set a value! These CDCs just support SetDataValues (which is a write in MMS …without the control state machines) and other services:


Hope that helps to understand the (mainly editorial) changes in the three parts 7-2 Ed2, 7-3 Ed2, and 8-1 Ed2.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

TASE.2 für den Prozessdatenaustausch zwischen Leitzentralen der Gaswirtschaft

Die TASE.2 wird seit einigen Jahren für den Prozessdatenaustausch zwischen Leitzentralen der Gaswirtschaft eingesetzt. Im Februar 2012 hat die DVGW eine aktuelle Empfehlung zur Anwendung der TASE.2 in der Gaswirtschaft herausgegeben.

Die Empfehlung der TASE.2 kann heruntergeladen werden [pdf, Deutsch].

A comprehensive etz-Report introduces into TASE.2.

Four additional IEC TC 57 Standards recommended for inclusion into the SGIP Catalog of Standards

Four additional IEC TC 57 Standards have been recommended for inclusion into the SGIP Catalog of Standards:

1. IEC 60870-6-503: Telecontrol protocols compatible with ISO standards and ITU-T recommendations - TASE.2 Services and protocol

2. IEC 60870-6-702: Telecontrol protocols compatible with ISO standards and ITU-T recommendations - Functional profile for providing the TASE.2 application service in end systems

3. IEC 60870-6-802: Telecontrol equipment and systems - Part 6-802: Telecontrol protocols compatible with ISO standards and ITU-T recommendations - TASE.2 Object models

4. IEC/TR 61850-90-5: Communication networks and systems for power utility automation - Part 90-5: Use of IEC 61850 to transmit synchrophasor information according to IEEE C37.118

The IEC 60870-6 TASE.2 Series is also know as ICCP (Inter Control-center Communication Protocol). It could be understood (to some extent) as the predecessor of IEC 61850. According to the experts in SGIP “This standard likely represents the greatest standards success story in the industry.” Why? Because it is the first IEC TC 57 standard that is applied all over in the communication between control centers of the electrical power delivery system as well as in many other domains like the gas delivery system.

A comprehensive Report introduces into TASE.2.

Comparison of IEC 60870-5-101/-103/-104, DNP3, and IEC 60870-6-TASE.2 with IEC 61850

The German Gas Association DVGW recommends TASE.2 in a requirement document published in February 2012. [pdf, German only]

Saturday, August 11, 2012

IEC 61850 Course conducted by TÜV SÜD in Seoul (South Korea), 04.-05. September 2012

KTL (Korea Testing Laboratory) has prepared for the Smart Grid businesses for many years. IEC 61850 has been the core technology in Smart Grid, and KTL now is on progressing the international testing and certification organization of IEC 61850. KTL would like to invite the best experts of IEC 61850 over the world, and the training will be helpful for the participants to develop new businesses and to find the best solution in Smart Grid.

Day 1 – Sep 4th
Day 2 – Sep 5th

Korean Testing Laboratory
87, Digital 26-gil, Guro-gu, Seoul,
KOREA (152-718)

Further details of the IEC 61850 training like program and pricing are available for download.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

IEC 61850 Course conducted by TÜV SÜD in Taipei (Taiwan), 10.-11. September 2012


An IEC 61850 Course will be conducted by TÜV SÜD in Taipei (Taiwan), 10.-11. September 2012.

Access complete IEC 61850 course description in Chinese.
Information on all three IEC 61850 courses in English.

智慧電網的核心為能源資通訊技術(EICT)及傳統電網整合發展。近年來,各國政府為追求電網效率提升,莫不積極推動相關政策。因應國際間能源安全及智慧電網迅速發展,台灣以多年發展資通訊產業基礎,積極發展能源資通訊技術,期望與世界接軌。TÜV SÜD Taiwan為協助國內業者能於最短時間內掌握相關的核心技術與資訊,加速取得UCA授權TÜV SÜD發證的IEC 61850產品證書,成為全球智慧型電網供應鏈體系。特於2012年9月10-11日在台大集思會議中心舉辦 “智慧型電網能源資通訊技術應用訓練課程”。

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

IEC 61850-7-410 Edition 2 is out for ballot

IEC 61850-7-410 Edition 2:
Communication networks and systems for power utility automation –
Part 7-410: Basic communication structure – Hydroelectric power plants –
Communication for monitoring and control

has been published for final ballot until 2012-10-05.

Changes in Edition 2 :

  • Generic logical nodes in IEC 61850-7-410 Edition 1 that are not specific to hydropower plants have been moved to IEC 61850-7-4 Edition 2.
  • The definitions of logical nodes have been cleaned up.
  • Most of the modeling examples and background information has been moved to IEC/TR 61850-7-510 Edition 1 (see example below).
  • New general-purpose logical nodes that are not included in IEC 61850-7-4 Edition 2, have been defined.

IEC 61850-7-410 Edition 2 defines 46 Logical Node classes and several hundred data objects:

LN Class Description
ACTM Control mode selection.
AJCL Joint control function, to balance total power from different sources.
APSS PSS Control. Common information of a PSS function.
APST PSS 2A/B filter. Represents a filter according to IEEE 421.5-2005.
APSF PSS 4B filter. Represents a filter according to IEEE 421.5-2005.
FHBT Heart beat function of a controlling device.
FSCH Scheduler. This LN represents a task scheduler
FXPS Functional priority status.
HBRG Turbine – generator shaft bearing.
HCOM Combinator (3D CAM or 2D CAM)
HDAM Hydropower dam.
HDFL Deflector control.
HDLS Dam leakage supervision.
HEBR Electrical brake.
HGPI Gate position indicator.
HGOV Governor control.
HGTE Dam gate.
HITG Intake gate.
HJCL Power plant joint control function.
HLKG Leakage supervision.
HLVL Water level indicator.
HMBR Mechanical brake for the generator shaft.
HNDL Needle control.
HNHD Net head data.
HOTP Dam overtopping protection.
HRES Water reservoir.
HSEQ Start / stop sequencer.
HSPD Speed monitoring.
HSST Surge shaft or surge tank.
HTGV Guide vanes (wicket gate).
HTRB Runner blades.
HTRK Trash rack,
HTUR Turbine.
HUNT Hydropower production unit.
HVLV Valve.
HWCL Water control function.
IFIR Generic fire detection and alarm function.
IHND Generic physical human – machine interface.
KHTR Heater.
PRTR Rotor protection.
RFBC Field breaker configuration.
SFLW Media flow supervision.
SLEV Media level supervision.
SPOS Device position supervision.
SPRS Media pressure supervision.
XFFL Field flashing.

Voltage regulation example from IEC TR 61850-7-510 Ed1:


This figure shows the relation between an application function and the IEC 61850 object models.

IEC TR 61850-7-510 Ed1 (86 pages) is a comprehensive guide “how to use IEC 61850 for hydro power plants”.

Preview of IEC TR 61850-7-510 Ed1

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Could more intelligent computers have prevented the ever biggest power outage in India?

Yes – and No! It all depends. Computers do what we want them to do. They don’t get tired, work 24*7, are reliably doing their job. They do what it has been told by a specific program and configuration. And then there are a lot more crucial aspects to take into account.

What is needed are “intelligent actions to correct problems” in due time. The intelligence may be implemented by “smart” humans or “smart” computer programs. More important: Very crucial requirements for a stable system are the various settings, build-in redundancies and the various reserves (generators, lines, head-room in power flow, transformers, …). These requirements are specified by humans! Depending on the level of risk responsible people are willing to accept, these requirements may vary greatly from one utility to another.

Depending on the settings used, build-in redundancies and the amount of the various reserves (generators, lines, transformers, …) the total system costs may be low, moderate or high! Reducing redundancies makes the system less stable – in general. Reserves and redundancies could be quite expensive.

Building a stable system is not problem in principle – it could be build if you have “unlimited” resources. The question is more: What is the maximum cost an utility is willing to spent to meet a certain risk level? Risk analysis and the level of risk accepted are key – and how and when the operators use the reserves. If an operator uses a reserve in normal operation, he cannot use that reserve in a critical situation again – you cannot eat the cake and have it.

The power delivery systems are very complex – most people do not care what it means to plan, design, operate, maintain, extend, and use such complex systems! Computers, high speed communication and even IEC 61850 are all just tools. Even a fool with a tool is a fool. And: A fool with a tool can foul up a system much faster than a fool without a tool.

The most crucial influence on power delivery systems is man-made! During a seminar an electrical engineer told me that they had a lot of serious discussions with the accountants and management on how many transformers they were allowed to replace per year. They agreed to replace two per year. Great! But: They utility had 300 (!) transformers in operation. That means: It wiould take 150 years to finish the replacement program! Unless …

Any question?

Thursday, August 2, 2012

IEC 61850 Edition 1, 2, or 3 and UML modeling?

Several parts of IEC 61850 have been improved through a maintenance process for the recent years. New features have been added the recent years. But what are the differences?

NettedAutomation has analyzed the differences between Edition 1 and 2 of various parts in detail. Many experts all over have asked for a detailed analysis, presentation and discussion of the differences. The result is a new comprehensive module of the seminars (covers one or two days – depending on the needs). A few slides from the new module are shown below.

One of the crucial issues is that a specific part Edition 1 has been improved from day 1 of its publication by the tissue process. Additional features have been added.


As of today we have parts with the old title and tag “Edition" 1”, with the new title and tag “Edition 1” and several parts with the new title and tag “Edition 2”:


A list of all published IEC 61850 parts can be found here.

As the slide exposes: There will never be an Edition 2 of the standard series IEC 61850 … some time down the road we will have parts tagged Ed1, Ed2, Ed3, Edx, …

In addition to the maintenance process, WG 10 has (after some 14 years) converted the models in IEC 61850 to UML. The UML is intended to serve as a development and maintenance tool in the future standardization process. The following picture exposes the two notations: table (left) and UML (right).


During the Editors’ meeting in Ann Arbor (December 1998) we discussed the use of UML before we published any information model !! It was a long way from first “ideas” and today’s UML model – as you can see.


The various parts tagged Edition 2 and the new UML models are presented and discussed during special training courses. The basics are also covered in the public seminars.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Wind and Solar Power – Could have helped to prevent the Indian Power Outage this week

It was questioned if wind and solar power could have been used as a redundant power source in this weeks power outage in India. Yes it could – indirectly.

Wind and Solar power could help to keep the water in the big reservoirs in the mountains. Each MWh from wind turbines or PV systems would keep the “redundant” hydro energy in the storage reservoirs. In case of a shortage in the grid this “redundant” hydro power could be used to stabilize the grid. Especially this year in India and north of India the water levels in the dams are very low … it would be a benefit not to “burn” the available hydro energy during the day when you could use the wind or solar power. There is one issue with not “burning” hydro power: usually you are paid by the amount of energy you put into the grid – not by keeping it for days or weeks. Making money and providing reliable energy supply are two different aspects.

IEEE Spectrum: Lack of Rain a Leading Cause of Indian Grid Collapse

In Europe there is work going on, to use the (surplus) wind power in northern Germany and pump water in the dams in Norway and use it as a huge hydro power storage … and there is another very interesting storage possibility for wind and solar power: Wind Gas or Solar Gas!

What is that? Never heard about it?

I would highly appreciate if I could produce my own gas, store it and use it in winter time (Sothern Germany).

It is just a little bit too expensive … but the technology is available:

These ideas and technologies will help to convert the electrical grid into a Smart(er) Grid. Engineers have developed great solutions … it is up to the decision makers to let them do their job!

By the way, Smart Grids have been invented by smart engineers since the 19th century:

IEC 61850 Asian Training Tour September 2012: Seoul, Beijing, Taipei

TÜV SÜD (Germany), SystemCorp (Australia), and NettedAutomation (Germany) are conducting three 2 days (MUST ATTEND) hands-on training in IEC 61850 in Asia:

1. Seoul (organized by TÜV SÜD Korea, Korean Testing Laboratory)
Day 1 – Sep 4th
Day 2 – Sep 5th
Details for Seoul seminar.

2. Beijing (TÜV SÜD China, China EPRI)
Day 1 – Sep 6th
Day 2 – Sep 7th

3. Taipei (TÜV SÜD Taiwan, ITRI, Metrologies)
Day 1 – Sep 10th
Day 2 – Sep 11th
Details for Taipei seminar.

This Training has been designed to provide all the knowledge required to Get into the Market with a 61850 product. Theoretical aspects of IEC 61850 with a focus on Edition 2 of the Standard as well as cost/benefit topics will be given during the first day. The second day will be focused on the real implementation (software/hardware development aspects) of the communication protocol. Finally the required steps to get a Device conformant and certified according to the UCA Testing Procedure, will be explained.

You will get all information needed to shorten project times by weeks and months, guaranteeing a short "time to market".


Korean Testing Laboratory 87, Digital 26-gil, Guro-gu, Seoul, KOREA (152-718)

Beijing Landmark Tower Convention center, Plum Blossom Room 8 North Dongsanhuan Road, Chaoyang District, 100004 Beijing, China

GIS NTU Convention Center. Conference room: Lock Hall Address: B1F., No.85, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City 100, Taiwan R.O.C.

Download Program for IEC 61850 Asian Training Tour and further information [800 KB, PDF].

Details for Seoul seminar.
Details for Taipei seminar.