Tuesday, March 31, 2009

3 day IEC 61850 Substation Automation and Control Event in Kuala Lumpur on 26-28 May 2009

This technical event provides a national and regional platform for exposures and practical case studies on successful implementations of IEC 61850 around the globe. The event also shares world class substation automation, protection and control practices on IEC 61850. Delegates will gain in-depth insights and updates in the latest trends on IEC 61850. Attendees will be exposed to an innovative approach of IEC 61850 that will result in significant improvements in both costs and performance of electric power systems.


26th May:
pre conference course on IEC 61850, IEC 61400-25, IEC 61968 CIM, IEC 60870-5-10x, DNP3, ... by Karlheinz Schwarz

27th and 28th May 2009: conference

Venue: PWTC, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Delegates will gain in-depth insights and updates in the latest trends on IEC 61850. Attendees will be exposed to an innovative approach of IEC 61850 that will result in significant improvements in both costs and performance of electric power systems. “IEC 61850 - Substation Automation, Protection and Control” technical event aims to integrate the new international communication standard in substation automation and to expand your professional networks in the industry:

  • Featuring presentations from IEC 61850 experts in the region:
  • One day Pre-event Workshop on IEC 61850, IEC 6087-5, DNP3, CIM,
    Security, Decentralized Energy, Smart Grids… @ 26 May 2009 by Karlheinz Schwarz
  • IEC 61850 – The Information Exchange Standard for Energy Supply
  • IEC 61850 and IEC 61400-25 – General Monitoring and Condition Monitoring in Power Systems
  • More, Faster, Less, Less – The Business Drivers for IEC 61850
  • Engineering Process for IEC 61850
  • Evaluation of Substation Automation with IEC 61850
  • The Single, Global and Future Proof Automation Standard - IEC
  • Reliability and Availability Calculation for Substation Automation in
    IEC 61850
  • IEC 61850, A New Engineering Perspective in Malaysia
  • And More…

*Please contact for full event brochure (+603 78057905) or email info@iknowledge.com.my

Studie zum Normungsumfeld von E-Energy

Die Studie zur Untersuchung des Normungsumfeldes zum BMWi-Förderschwerpunkt "e-Energy - IKT-basiertes Energiesystem der Zukunft" wurde im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Technologie (BMWi) von OFFIS - Institut für Informatik, SCC Schwarz Communication Consult (Karlheinz Schwarz) und mpc management project coaching erstellt.

Ziel dieser Studie ist primär die konsistente Bereitstellung von Informationen über bestehende, in Arbeit befindliche und zusätzlich notwendige Normen für IKT-basierte Energiesysteme und deren Verwendung im Kontext der sechs geförderten Konsortialprojekte von E-Energy. Die einzelnen Projekte werden individuell über die Ergebnisse der Studie informiert. Im Rahmen der Begleitforschung zu E-Energy wird gemeinsam der Handlungsbedarf bei der Umsetzung vorhandener Normen (wie beispielsweise IEC 61850, IEC 61400-25, IEC 61499, IEC 61968, IEC 61970) und Standards und bei der Zuarbeit zu den Normungsgremien festgestellt.


  1. Zusammenfassende Empfehlungen der Studie für die Modellregionen
  2. Aufbau der Studie
  3. Einführung und Problemstellung
  4. Methodisches Vorgehen
  5. Standards zur Softwareerstellung
  6. Softwarearchitekturkonzepte für e-Energy
  7. TR IEC 62357: TC 57 Seamless Integration Architecture
  8. Normenfamilie IEC 61968 und IEC 61970: CIM
  9. Normenreihe IEC 61850: Schaltanlagenautomatisierung
  10. Normenreihe IEC 60870-5 für die Fernwirktechnik
  11. Normenreihe IEC 60870-6 TASE.2 für die Kommunikation zwischen Netzleitstellen
  12. IEC 61131-3 und IEC 61499 für die funktionale Interoperabilität
  13. Vernetzung in der elektrischen Energieversorgung
  14. Norm IEC 62361: Harmonisierung von Qualitätscodes
  15. Standards zur Marktkommunikation in der Energiewirtschaft
  16. Standards im Bereich Sicherheit
  17. Standards zur Home Automation
  18. Kommunikationsstandards für Smart Metering
  19. Mit e-Energy vergleichbare internationale Programme
  20. Normungsorganisationen und Gremien

Downlod der Zusammenfassung [PDF, 0.8 MB]

Download der Studie [PDF, 5.4 MB]

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Application of IEC 61850-9-2 for non-conventional sensors

Dear supporter of IEC 61850-9-2 for non-conventional sensors,

There is a growing interest in the application of IEC 61850-9-2 for non-conventional sensors. I have been asked several times, when mature products will be available etc.

Have you any information about (pilot) installations (planned, under commissioning or in operation)?

If you could share some information with me I would highly appreciate your response.

Thanks a lot!

Some industry statements: Areva [pdf, 200 KB] , [pdf, 250 KB]

Email feedback to: Karlheinz Schwarz

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Emerson Process Management applies IEC 61850 for power plants

Emerson Process Management announced on March 26, 2009, that it will use IEC 61850 in power plants to be build for EDF in France and UK.

"Emerson’s PlantWeb architecture will make extensive use of HART Communications to connect the I/O. IEC 61850 modules will interface to Intelligent Electronic Devices (IED) used within the switchyard."

Full press release.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

IEC 61850-90-1 Communication between substations

The Draft Technical Report for the communication between substations has been published by IEC TC 57 for the final vote. Original project number was IEC 62445.

Document: 57/992/DTR
Distributed: 2009-03-13
Voting terminates: 2009-05-15

Use Cases

  1. Distance line protection with permissive tele-protection scheme
  2. Distance line protection with blocking tele-protection scheme
  3. Directional comparison protection
  4. Transfer/Direct Tripping
  5. Interlocking
  6. Multi-phase auto-reclosing application for parallel line systems
  7. Current differential line protection
  8. Phase Comparison Protection
  9. Fault locator system (2, 3 terminals)
  10. System Integrity Protection Schemes (SIPS)
  11. Real time predictive generator shedding
  12. Out-of-step detection
  13. Synchrophasors
  14. Remedial Action Schemes (RAS)

If you want to comment on these document, please contact your national IEC committee. Member bodies of IEC TC 57.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Report on Distributech 2009, San Diego

The DistribuTECH covers automation and control systems, energy efficiency, engineering, demand response, renewables integration, power delivery equipment and water utility technology.

The 19th DistribuTECH and Transtech Conference & Exhibition was held from February 03 to 05, 2009 at the Sand Diego Convention Center in San Diego (California, USA). It is a key event in North America. The event offered many opportunities to electric power system professionals to learn about the latest offerings in technology, share experience with existing solutions and exchange ideas about the challenging future of the power industry. The event was well attended by vendors, utilities, system integrators and other experts. The number of exhibitors has grown since 2008.

The domains covered by the conference and exhibition comprise automation and control systems, information technology, transmission and distribution engineering, power delivery equipment and water utility technology. One crucial focus was on the many facets of the Smart Grids. Many of the three hundred exhibitors offered solutions for smarter or intelligent Grids. The new US government is expected to support alternative and renewable energy and to accelerate rebuilding the whole electric network and to make the power delivery system a Smart Grid. The event showed that many companies and groups are prepared (or waiting) to receive the “Obama Dollars” – to build the system of the future.

Download full report [pdf, 24KB]

Sunday, March 22, 2009

CDV of IEC 61850-8-1 Edition 2 published

The Committee Draft for Vote for IEC 61850-8-1 Ed.2 has been published the other day (document 57/994/CDV):
Communication networks and systems for power utility automation - Part 8-1: Specific Communication Service Mapping (SCSM) - Mappings to MMS (ISO 9506-1 and ISO 9506-2) and to ISO/IEC 8802-3

Closing date for voting: 2009-09-04
(contact your national committee for a copy).

This document is based on the experiences made after the publication of the first Edition of 8-1. The crucial changes made are according to the Tissues (Technical Issues) posted at the Tissue database (www.tissue.iec61850.com).

The following tissues have been solved in this CDV:

Tissues for clauses 1-6 – General, Communication stack:
122 235 290 292 299 430 459

issues for clause 7-8, 11-14:
109 110 111 112 115 116 119 120 123 128 144 165 168 183 222 314 368 377 422 433

Tissues for clause 16 (Setting Group):
33 34 36 37 38 39 40 41 52 53 172 333 417

Tissues for clause 17 (Reporting model):
114 177 198 344 438

Tissues for clause 18-Annex A (GOOSE):
117 121 224 227 231 237 279 323 365 419

Tissues for clause 20 (Control model):
143 196 246 262 528

Tissues for clause 22 (File transfer):
118 260 576

Harmonization with 7-2 and 7-3:
103 141 146 149 173 246 453 456 457

Need help in MMS? Contact us.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Electricity speaks one language: IEC 61850

Bachmann electronics provides an IEC 61850 solution for the Integration of wind parks or power stations seamlessly into a control station or into a network.

The IEC 61850 (MMS) server of Bachmann electronic runs as a software module on a M1 controller and communicates outwards the variables available in the
application programs (e.g., programmed with IEC 61131-3).

Two page description by A M Khadkikar [pdf, 160 KB]

IEC 61850 Gateway for PLCs

A master thesis by Jonas Lidén (2006, Stockholm/Sweden) discusses the use of IEC 61850 for Vattenfall Vattenkraft AB’s technical systems for turbine controllers. The work started with an investigation of today’s automation products with focus on station bus communication. Today Vattenfall Vattenkraft AB are modernising their automation products in many of their hydro power plants, and the turbine controllers are developed by SwedPower AB on standard PLC’s (Programmable Logic Controller).

The report describes the implementation and the results of the testing.

Download the report [pdf, 2.3 MB]

Substation hardened Ethernet Switch and Fanless PCs

Advantech has developed a 19'' rack mounted Industrial Ethernet Switch and a Fanless Box PC for grid and substation automation. The hardware is designed for IEC 61850-3 compliance (especially to meet the higher requirements on EMC, temperature range, supply voltage, ...)  to be used in Substations and with data gateways and data concentrators.

It is very likely that more processor performance for substation automation will be available soon.

IEC 61850, IEC 60870-5 and IEC 61968 CIM Course in Moscow, March 10-12, 2009

Experts of Substation Automation Systems in the Russian Federation are quite interested in the new Standard IEC 61850 and other IEC Standards.


Several experts from vendors and from an important user attended the comprehensive course on the standards IEC 61850, IEC 60870-5 and IEC 61968 CIM at the Novotel Moscow Centre on March 10 to 12, 2009.

The Russian utility market asks for Russian products compatible with IEC 61850 (protection and control IEDs, SCADA systems, RTUs, ...).


The average age of the participants was surprisingly low! Power engineering is one of the favorite subjects at Moscow's universities and institutes.

We are planning to organize another public IEC 61850 event together with "Vsya Electrotehnika" publishing house, www.energyexpert.ru, in Moscow (October or November 2009).

Contact NettedAutomation for details or EnergyExpert.

Multi-Vendor Test Case at Frankfurt IEC 61850 training

STRI and NettedAutomation GmbH arranged the second "Comprehensive & Independent Hands-on Training" for IEC 61850 in Frankfurt, March 3-6 2009 with participants from Europe, America and Africa. The multivendor test installation with IEDs from ABB, Areva and Siemens communicating over a RuggedCom network and equipped with an Omicron test set was shipped in advance from STRI to be the test environment for the hands-on course: But it did not arrive on time. What to do now?

One crucial objective of IEC 61850 is TEAMWORK: To make different vendors to talk to each other and to work together. Omicron shipped a new test set overnight from Austria, the Doble participant to the course had brought a Doble test set and Megger/Programma surprised us with a new test set. And we got two new Ethernet switches from the Hirschmann attendee. What about the IEDs? The participant from SEL brought a Schweizer IED for IEC 61850, Siemens sent a new IED and Nicholas picked up a new Areva IED at their training center in Frankfurt. Programma offered us to borrow an ABB RET670 that Carl Öhlén from STRI picked up in Stockholm before flying down to Frankfurt. IMG_1485_bearbeitet-1

One of the hotel rooms became the IEC 61850 instant system integration and engineering center ...

DHL did a good job to force us the demonstration of REAL multivendor support and multivendor interoperability of new equipment that just arrived.

Read more details on the excellent experience on multivendor support during the Frankfurt event.

The next public IEC 61850 hands-on training will be on October 20-23, 2009 in Frankfurt.

In-house hands-on training - a solution where your people do not need to travel - is also possible. Your equipment can also be used in the multivendor hands-on training.

A big European Transmission Grid company has contracted with NettedAutomation to intensively train their SAS staff including hands-on training together with STRI .

Contact NettedAutomation for details.

Monday, March 16, 2009

IEC 61850 Interoperability Research Project - Functional Specification available

A German InterOP research project (investigating interoperability of typical substation functions) has released its functional specification for interoperability testing on Monday, 16th March 2009.

More details on the project are available in the official announcement.

Comments are welcome. Interested parties are invited to review the specification and send comments to the project leader FGH e.V., Germany no later than April 12, 2009.

Interested parties that want comment are kindly asked to register for free by simply sending an e-mail with contact details of a responsible person, in order to reply to potential comments and give feedback. The functional specification will be sent straight forward by the FGH to all registered parties.

For registration please send contact details to interop@fgh-ma.de

Monday, March 9, 2009

Siemens PCS 7 driver for IEC 61850

The IEC 61850 communication library grants you full access to the data objects provided by protection and control devices. The library blocks automatically map the information to the PCS 7 Operator Station for the visualization of tag data as well as time stamped alarm data.

Areas of application PCS 7 driver blocks for IEC 61850

  • Process plants with process connections between the process control system and the electrical power system
  • Small to medium size substation systems automated with PCS 7 or S7
  • Alarming of critical conditions in process control HMI when substation HMI is not permanently manned

Details on PCS 7 ...

ABB has already integrated the IEC 61850 into their controller: see details on 800xA.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Hands-on Training in Frankfurt on October 20-23, 2009

After the successful training last week in Frankfurt/Germany, STRI and NettedAutomation have set the date for the fall Hands-on Training event to 20-23 October 2009. The event will also be held in Frankfurt/Germany.

The hands-on training will be extended to offer a SCADA session in parallel to the ID and SCL hands-on training on October 23. Details will be provided in due time.

Contact us if you are interested.

Monday, March 2, 2009

IEC 61850 in action - overview on 12 projects by Siemens

Siemens has published very interesting brief descriptions of successfully installed substation automation and protection systems with IEC 61850 conformant devices (IEDs):

  • Aare-Tessin Ltd. for Electricity (Atel), Olten, Switzerland
  • East China Power Grid Company, Shanghai, China
  • RWE Power, Garzweiler, Germany
  • RUSAL, Sayanogorsk, Russia
  • CADAFE, Caracas, Venezuela
  • Petróleos de Venezuela S.A. (PDVSA), Caracas, Venezuela
  • Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd (POWERGRID), New Delhi, India
  • NUON, Alkmaar, Netherlands
  • Statnett SF, Oslo, Norway
  • Electrificadora del Meta S.A. (EMSA), Meta/Bogotá, Colombia
  • Réseau de Transport d‘Electricité (RTE), La Défense Cedex, France
  • Eólicas de Portugal / EDP RENOVÁVEIS, Lisbon, Portugal

All brief project descriptions are contained in a 66 page document [pdf, 3.3 MB]

Want to know what IEC 61850 is all about? Brief introduction [1 page].