One of the most crucial benefits of IEC 61850 information models is the availability of code components - the possibility to get a computer processable document that contains the formal definition of a model, e.g., the measurements of a three phase system.
Excerpt of MMXU:

The following document has just been published:
Handling of Code Components in IEC Standards
Including Copyright Licensing
Handling of Code Components v8.0 2019-08-29
This document sets out the process and rules to be used by IEC groups (TCs, SCs, PCs, WGs, SyCs, …) and experts in charge of editing IEC documents to ensure a proper handling of copyright licensing of code components included in IEC deliverables. It also defines the technical and process requirements to consider to optionally offer a free access to certain code component(s) through the IEC web site. At the current time this document only applies to IEC TC57
Click HERE for the list of name space available for immediate access.
Excerpt of MMXU:
The following document has just been published:
Handling of Code Components in IEC Standards
Including Copyright Licensing
Handling of Code Components v8.0 2019-08-29
This document sets out the process and rules to be used by IEC groups (TCs, SCs, PCs, WGs, SyCs, …) and experts in charge of editing IEC documents to ensure a proper handling of copyright licensing of code components included in IEC deliverables. It also defines the technical and process requirements to consider to optionally offer a free access to certain code component(s) through the IEC web site. At the current time this document only applies to IEC TC57
Click HERE for the full document.
Click HERE for the list of name space available for immediate access.