Friday, March 30, 2012

IEC 61850 für Smart Grids in Deutschland

BDEW und ZVEI empfehlen acht “reife” und notwendige Technologien für den unmittelbaren Einsatz für Smart Grids:

Smart Grids in Deutschland – Handlungsfelder für Verteilnetzbetreiber auf dem Weg zu intelligenten Netzen (27. März 2012)

“Um die Verteilnetze effizient zu gestalten, erhöht sich der Bedarf an
Messung, Regelung und Automatisierung. Aus Sicht eines Verteilnetzbetreibers kommt es jetzt darauf an, die wichtigsten Technologien und deren Wirksamkeit zu identifizieren. Es stellt sich die Frage, welche Technologien bereits heute zur Verfügung stehen und welches Potenzial diese zur Lösung der verteilnetzspezifischen Probleme mitbringen.”

Von 25 Smart-Grid-Komponenten gelten acht als „erfolgversprechend“:

  • Sensorik im Netz,
  • Netzleittechnik,
  • Kommunikations- und Dateninfrastruktur,
  • regelbare Windkraft,
  • regelbare Photovoltaik,
  • kleinere KWK-Anlagen,
  • Pumpspeicherkraftwerke sowie
  • Komponenten zur Blindleistungskompensation.

Als etablierte Kommunikationsstandards in der Energieverteilung liegt die Verwendung der IEC 61850 nahe. Die IEC 61850 erlaubt einen sicheren und effektiven Datenaustausch zwischen den Smart IEDs und das übergreifende Nutzen von Sensoren und Aktoren. … Die konsequente Umsetzung des gemeinsamen Systemstandards IEC 61850 über alle Spannungsebenen hinweg, bietet die Voraussetzung für einheitliche Kommunikations- und Datenstrukturen. Dies ist eine Voraussetzung für den wirtschaftlichen Ausbau der Verteilnetz-Automatisierung.

IEC 61850 und … in “Smart Grids in Deutschland – Handlungsfelder für Verteilnetzbetreiber auf dem Weg zu intelligenten Netzen” [PDF, 32 Seiten, 10,9 MB]

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Edition 1, Edition 2, and soon Edition 3 of IEC 61850?

Some people are already looking for Edition 3 of IEC 61850! If you are looking for IEC 61850 Edition 2 or IEC 61850 Edition – you will never find them!! Really.

Editions are specific to parts – NOT to the series IEC 61850 per se with its 20+ parts!!

Check out more information about Editions of the parts of IEC 61850.

Get Free IEC 61850 Development Kit (HW and SW)

The application of IEC 61850 is very successful all over. More and more people are looking for hardware and software that can be used right away – for an easy implementation of applications and Gateways between IEC 61850 and DNP3, Modbus, IEC 60870-5-101/104 and for short time to market developments.

NettedAutomation has scheduled the next public training course to be held in Frankfurt from May 09-11, 2012. As a special gift we offer you a free IEC 61850 Development Kit (Beck IPC DK61) with an ready to go API and example application source code in C/C++ and IEC 61131/CoDeSys. The DK61 will be used during the course … after the event you can take the kit home and continue developing applications for IEC 61850 and IEC 61400-25.

Download a description of the Development Kit [pdf, 1.4 MB].

The gift is included in the regular training fee.

This offer is valid until April 27, 2012. Register soon.

The program and further information on the training course can be downloaded.

If you are interested in the training and FREE IEC 61850 development kit DK61 contact us please.

The retail price of the DK61 is 1,299 Euro. The regular course fee will be discounted by 800 Euro if you don’t want to get the kit but attend the training course only. Students get a further discount … please ask for it.

Download the discussion about benefits using ready-to-go solutions with IEC 61850, DK61, Beck Chip, … and PV Inverter models [pdf, 2.3 MB, 18 pages]

HAW Hamburg: IEC-Normen für Smart Grids und die Energiewende

Das HAW Hamburg (Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften) lädt Studierende und Wissenschaftler sowie Experten aus der Industrie, den Betreibergesellschaften und Verbänden zu einem Impuls-Vortrag ein:

IEC-Normen für Smart Grids und die Energiewende

Mittwoch, 4. April 2012
16:00 - 17:30 Uhr, mit anschließender Diskussion

HAW Hamburg, Berliner Tor 5, Hörsaal 01.10 (1. Stock)

Die Veranstaltung ist kostenlos.

Flexible und intelligente Stromnetze sind in aller Munde - die dafür nötigen Kommunikationssysteme und Normen werden allerdings gerade erst entwickelt. Experte Karlheinz Schwarz wird die globalen Entwicklungen von nationalen und internationalen Roadmaps und Normen vorstellen.

Im Rahmen der nachhaltigen Weiterentwicklung der Versorgungssysteme muss mit den verfügbaren Ressourcen (Energiequellen, technischen Einrichtungen und Menschen mit Erfahrung) sowie den physikalischen Gesetzmäßigkeiten verantwortungsvoll und "smart" umgegangen werden. Smart Grids helfen, die Physik zum Wohl der Menschen sicher und zuverlässig nutzbar zu machen - gestern, heute und morgen.

Es werden globale Entwicklungen von nationalen und internationalen Roadmaps (DIN, CEN/CENELEC/ETSI, NIST, Chinese State Grid, IEC usw.) und Normen (IEC 61850, IEC 61968/70 CIM usw.) vorgestellt, die helfen werden, die Energieversorgungsnetze auch unter geänderten Randbedingungen sicher und zuverlässig zu erhalten.

Weitere Informationen zur Veranstaltung finden Sie hier.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Smart Grids – A 19th century invention

Intelligent, safe electrical power distribution networks were invented at the start of electrification and have been further developed up to the present day. Electrical fuses, protective devices and monitoring devices have been phenomenal in the protection of life and technical installations for more than 100 years. Without these "smart" devices a fault-free, fail-safe electrical energy supply system would be inconceivable and the supply of electrical energy much too dangerous.

Since the 19th century engineers have developed, tested, used on a large-scale and continuously improved suitable solutions for the safe and reliable operation of the rapidly growing supply of ever more applications with electrical energy. During the sustained further development of the supply systems, it is necessary to handle the available resources (energy sources, technical installations and individuals with experience) as well as the laws of physics both responsibly and in a "smart" manner.
Smart grids help to make it possible to use physics safely and reliably for the benefit of man – in the past, today and in the future.

A new paper discusses some aspects of the development of Smart Grids.

Download the Smart Grid paper in English single sided or double sided.

Laden Sie das Smart Grid paper in Deutsch im Einseiten-Format herunter oder im Doppelseiten-Format.

The papers will be published by Bender (Gruenberg/Germany) in the Bender magazine MONITOR 01/2012.

Bender creates new technologies for safe handling of electrical power; to ensure the protection of people and the safe operation of machines, systems and manufacturing plants.

IEC standards are quite important for Bender! Mr Wolfgang Hofheinz (CTO of Bender) is President of the DKE (German national committee of the IEC international standardization organization) since 2010.

Check which IEC product standards and guidelines Bender applies

Thursday, March 15, 2012

ABB to deliver 17 IEC 61850 based substations to Rio Tinto (Western Australia)

ABB has won orders worth approximately $100 million for 17 substations to support Rio Tinto's iron ore expansion in the Pilbara … the protection and communication equipment will be compliant with IEC 61850.

News report on 17 new IEC 61850 based substations for Rio Tinto.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Powerful Arm and Freescale Platforms with IEC 61850 Stack and API at Hanover Fair 2012

SystemCorp and TQ offer the easy to use and powerful IEC 61850 stack and API running on two Mini modules:

1. TQMa28 is based on the i.MX28 pro­cessor (ARM926 core with up to 450 MHz)

2. TQMa35 is based on the Freescale i.MX35 processor (ARM 11 core with up to 532 MHz)

The platforms will be presented during the Hanover Fair:

Hall 13, Stand C45
Co-exhibitor with: TQ-Systems
23-27 April 2012 - daily, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Karlheinz Schwarz will also be present at the booth – offering training services and answering questions related to IEC 61850, IEC 61400-25, IEC 60870-5/6, IEC 61968/70 CIM, DNP3, …

Check for more details on the ARM 9 and ARM 11 platforms offering IEC 61850.

Read the experience and CV of Karlheinz Schwarz.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Fix in IEC 61850-7-4 Edition 2 - Mode and Behaviour

Please note that Table A.2 – Definition of mode and behaviour in IEC 61850-7-4 Edition 2 has an error that has been corrected, see Tissue 671:


For incoming data with q.test = True and Mode on, the data shall be processed as invalid!

Access IEC 61850-7-4 Tissue 671.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

IEC 61850 Gateway And Programmable IED

These days many vendors that have to develop devices for the electric power delivery are interested in applying a third-party Gateway that map the commonly used protocols like DNP3, Modbus, IEC 60870-5-10x, or CAN bus to an IEC 61850 Server. There are ready-to-go gateway available.

Usually the gateways map between one other protocol and an IEC 61850 Server – if you want to have two or three protocols to be mapped to IEC 61850 you likely have to pay a license for each protocol. The gateways usually are just gateways and do not allow any other application running on the same platform providing application data through IEC 61850 models and services.

The Gateway provided by SystemCorp is quite different as the following figure depicts:


In addition to the Gateway functionality any other application programmed on the very same platform can provide data exchange with the IEC 61850 server through the simple API of the IEC 61850 stack. Various embedded controllers like the Beck IPC Chip provide these possibilities.

This allows with one IEC 61850 license to implement gateway functionalities AND let any other application functionality “speak” IEC 61850.

Access the description of the IEC 61850 Protocol Stack Online API Manual.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Wireless Temperature Sensors for Switchgears and IEC 61850

Monitoring the temperature of likely failure points within electric power switchgear provides invaluable data on the health of that piece of equipment. Wireless solutions for temperature monitoring of medium-voltage and high-voltage switchgear are appropriate means to get critical information about the health of switchgears – especially for aging switchgears that have an ever more crucial impact on the reliability of the electric power system.

Ruggedized passive wireless radio-based temperature sensor and monitoring systems are a great answer for medium-voltage and high-voltage electric power switchgear. The access to the these measured temperature values through IEC 61850 is now available by Intellisaw.

Access the Intellisaw website to read the benefits of their Wireless sensors.

Check the temperature measurement model STMP of IEC 61850.

IETF Energy Management WG (EMAN) inspired by IEC 61850 and CIM

IETF EMAN, Energy Management, is an active WG that is modeling (in the MIB) a lot of power related real world objects “connected” one way or the other to a network.  SNMP is used to access this information. The objective of Energy Management (EMAN) is to provide an energy management framework for networked devices.

Networked devices could be Ethernet switches, routers, battery controller, other storages,  gateways, … more or less anything that is connected to a network!

The WG sees IEC 61850 as the most applicable standard to EMAN. Concepts from IEC 61850 and CIM have been reused (somehow) by the EMAN WG. A closer cooperation of the models would be appreciated by the next generation of engineers and programmers …

There is ONE real world – many models could be thought of to describe that single real world. I hope that for energy applications we will prevent to get too many models. IEC 61850 models should be used as default solution in all devices closely connected to the physical level of energy systems … different notations and protocols may be used BUT the content/semantic should be identical!

A MMXU should model the 3-phase electrical system – all over and in all models.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Australia: The Dutch Disease and IEC 61850!?

Dustin Tessier suggests in his paper the increased application of IEC 61850 in Australia as a means against the Dutch Disease – a very interesting paper. He states:
“With a bit of sponsorship from the government, this cost saving technology [IEC 61850] established in 2004 - could immediately translate into production efficiencies throughout the utility, LNG, and industrial sectors. This is but one example of low lying fruit that have yet to be picked in the Australian productivity domain.”

The Dutch Disease is a serious threat against nations that have a high dependency on their exportable resource commodities; which explains the apparent relationship between the increase in exploitation of natural resources and a decline in the manufacturing sector.  Nations that are victim to low productivity rates, are more vulnerable than others, and it is these nations that must first seek the "low lying fruit" when trying to stimulate efficiencies within their economy. The answer? IEC 61850! This is an attractive technology, as it applies across most industries, be it utilities, LNG, metals and mining, desalination plants, etc. With a bit of sponsorship from the government, this cost – saving technology established in 2004 – could immediately translate into production efficiencies throughout the utility, LNG, and industrial sectors. This is but one example of low lying fruit that have yet to be picked in the Australian productivity domain. This is likely true for Canada, Brazil, …

According to Wikipedia “the Dutch disease is a concept that explains the apparent relationship between the increase in exploitation of natural resources and a decline in the manufacturing sector. The mechanism is that an increase in revenues from natural resources (or inflows of foreign aid) will make a given nation's currency stronger compared to that of other nations (manifest in an exchange rate), resulting in the nation's other exports becoming more expensive for other countries to buy, making the manufacturing sector less competitive.”

Download the Document Death To The Dutch Disease: The Century of the Surplus [pdf, 1.2 MB]