Saturday, December 24, 2016

DTR IEC 61850-7-500: How to use IEC 61850 for SAS

IEC TC 57 has published a Draft Technical Report (57/1817/DTR; 84 pages) with guidelines on how to apply IEC 61850 for substation automation:

Communication networks and systems for power utility automation –
Part 7-500: Basic information and communication structure – Use of logical nodes for modeling application functions and related concepts and guidelines for substations

Voting closes 2017-02-17

This is a document that you MUST read when you are involved in substation automation.

This Technical Report of IEC 61850 describes the use of the information model for devices and functions of IEC 61850 in applications in substation automation systems but it may be used as informative input also for the modeling of any other application domain. In particular, it describes the use of compatible logical node names and data objects names for communication between Intelligent Electronic Devices (IED) for use cases. This includes the relationship between Logical Nodes and Data Objects for the given use cases. ...
Part 7-5 describes in examples the use of logical nodes for modeling application functions and related concepts and guidelines in general independently from any application domain respectively valid for all application domains in the electric power system (substation automation, distributed energy resources, hydro power, wind power, etc.). This part 7-500 describes in examples the use of logical nodes for application functions in substation automation including also line protection between substations. It implies also some tutorial material where helpful. But it is recommended to read parts IEC 61850-5 and IEC 61850-7-1 in conjunction with IEC 61850-7-3 and IEC 61850-7-2 first.

New: Modelling of Logics for IEC 61850 Based Applications

IEC TC 57 has published a very interesting proposal (57/1814/DC; 49 pages) for modelling logics:

IEC TR 61850-90-11, Communication networks and systems for power utility automation –
Part 90-11: Methodologies for modelling of logics for IEC 61850 based applications

Comments are expected by 2017-02-03

This part of IEC 61850 describes the methodologies for the modelling of logics for IEC 61850 based applications in power utility automation. In particular, it describes the functional view of logic based on existing logical nodes for generic process automation and the operational modes of the logic. Furthermore it includes the specification of the standard language to be applied to specific the logic as well as the related data exchange format between engineering tools and their application as well as the mapping of logic elements to IEC 61850 data types.

The IEC 61131-3 PLC programming language is used to describe syntax of functions.

Example PLD (Programmable Logic Description): The PLD file contains the logic unit program code in PLC OpenXML format, representing the description of the logic programmable scheme that can then be mapped to a GAPC LN instance. Excerpt:

... more to come next year.

Guideline for definition of Basic Application Profiles (BAPs) using IEC 61850

IEC TC 57 has published a document for comments (57/1813/DC, 27 pages) on application profiles::

Draft IEC TR 61850-7-6, Communication networks and systems for power utility automation –
Part 7-6: Guideline for definition of Basic Application Profiles (BAPs) using IEC 61850

Comments are expected by 2017-02-03

This guideline is focused on building Application / function profiles and specifies a methodology to define Basic Application profiles (BAPs). These Basic Application profiles shall provide a framework for interoperable interaction within or between typical substation automation functions. BAPs are intended to define a subset of mandatory features of IEC 61850 in order to increase interoperability in practical applications.

In the context of standards the term “profile” is commonly used to describe a subset of an entity (e.g. standard, model, rules).
Accordingly an IEC 61850 standard profile contain a selection of data models (mandatory elements), communication services applicable and relevant engineering conventions (based on the Substation Configuration Language SCL defined in IEC 61850-6) for an application function of a specific use case in the domain of power utility automation.
Depending on the scope and objective different profile types can be distinguished:

  • User profile – defined subset that is valid for a specific user / organization (e.g. utility)
  • Product / Device profile – implemented subset in a specific vendor product /device
  • Domain profile – defined subset for a specific domain and relevant use cases (e.g. monitoring of substation)
  • Application / function profile
A nice example is contained in Annex A:
Example for BAP of distributed automation function “reverse blocking” using BAP template

CIM for Distribution Network Operations

IEC TC 57 has published the FDIS (57/1810/FDIS; 160 pages) of the future standard IEC 61968-3 Ed2:
Application integration at electric utilities - System interfaces for distribution management -
Part 3: Interface for network operations
Voting closes 2017-02-03

IEC 61968 provides utilities the means to supervise main substation topology (breaker
and switch state) and control equipment status. It also provides the means for handling
network connectivity and loading conditions. Finally, it makes it possible for utilities to locate
customer telephone complaints and supervise the location of field crews.
IEC 61968-3 specifies the information content of a set of message payloads that can be used
to support many of the business functions related to network operations. Typical uses of the
message payloads defined in IEC 61968-3 include data acquisition by external systems, fault
isolation, fault restoration, trouble management, maintenance of plant, and the commissioning
of plant.

This part is closely related to the Common Information Model (CIM).

Monday, December 19, 2016

Closing 2016 - Greetings from Karlsruhe

As 2016 comes to a close, I say "a hearty Thank You!" for choosing our services, visiting the IEC 61850 blog, and for the great cooperation this year.

I wish you, your family, and the many people around you a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year 2017 … living in peace and harmony.

Hope your home is a safe place to live. Take care.

Please, help to keep the power flowing and the grass green - with the various standards defined by IEC and IEEE.

I look forward to meeting you in 2017 - maybe soon in San Diego (CA) on January 30, 2017.

Please drop us an email if you like this blog or you would like me to post other interesting information on the blog.

Bye for now.

Saturday, December 10, 2016

OpenGridMap - Help to collect data and produce power grid approximations for CIM

OpenGridMap is a new open community that crowdsources realistic power grid data to be used for research purposes. Here you will find the tools for crowdsourcing power grid data. The goal is to create an open platform for inferring realistic power grids based on actual data. Our vision is to provide a tool to researchers and practitioners that is able to produce realistic input data for simulation studies. OpenGridMap will support the entire process from data collection to formatting grid data for various purposes. We explore innovative ways to capture data and produce power grid approximations, e.g., using smartphone apps, drones, expert classification, existing map APIs, and graph inference algorithms.

Click HERE to visit the OpenGridMap website.

The next step would be to convert the collected data into a CIM and SCL format ... it is underway for CIM (Common Information Model):

OpenGridMap: towards automatic power grid simulation model generation from crowdsourced data
By Jose Rivera, Technische Universität München

"OpenGridMap is an open source project that crowdsources realistic power grid data to be used for research purposes. In this paper, we propose an approach for the automatic generation of power gird simulation models from crowdsourced data. The proposed approach orders the crowdsourced data into a power circuit relation which is then used to produce a CIM description file and subsequently a power grid simulation model. ..." ... and I guess the modelling in IEC 61850-6 SCL (System Configuration Language) will follow soon - I am sure.

Click HERE for the above mentioned paper.

More to come as discussed during the Training Courses conducted by NettedAutomation this week in Karlsruhe:

Friday, December 2, 2016

IEC-61850-Seminare zu unschlagbaren Preisen in Karlsruhe auch in 2017

Wir bieten auch im nächsten Jahr zwei Intesiv-Hands-On-Seminare an:

09.-12. Mai 2017 
05.-08. Dezember 2017

Die drei (3) Blöcke (1 Tag + 2 Tage + 1 Tag) können einzeln oder in Kombination gebucht werden. Sie entscheiden selbst, ob Sie nur einen Tag von Ihrem Arbeitsplatz fern bleiben möchten oder zwei, drei oder vier. Je nachdem, welche Zeit und welchen Bedarf Sie haben.

HIER klicken, um zur Beschreibung und den Anmeldeunterlagen zu gelangen [pdf, 430 KB].

Thursday, December 1, 2016

BDEW IT-Sicherheitsempfehlungen öffentlich zugänglich

Der BDEW (Bundesverband für Energie- und Wasserwirtschaft e.V., Berlin) hat seit Jahren weitreichende Empfehlungen für die IT-Sicherheit veröffentlicht und mehrfach aktualisiert.
Aus aktuellem Anlass (unter anderem die Einbrüche in DSL-Router) ist die Beachtung der vorliegenden Empfehlungen unbedingt angebracht!!

1. Allgemeine Empfehlungen
  • Whitepaper- Anforderungen an sichere Steuerungs- und Telekommunikationssysteme (PDF)
  • Ausführungshinweise zur Anwendung des Whitepaper - Anforderungen an sichere Steuerungs- und Telekommunkationssysteme (PDF)
  • Checkliste zum Whitepaper - Anforderungen an sichere Steuerungs- und Telekommunikations-systeme (XLSX)
2. Technische Empfehlungen für den sicheren Datenaustausch in der Marktkommunikation
  • Studie über sichere webbasierte Übertragungswege, Version 2.1 (PDF)
  • Marktüberblick AS2-Lösungen in der Energiewirtschaft (15 MB) (PDF)
  • Leitfaden "Implementierung AS2 in Unternehmen der Energiewirtschaft" (PDF)
  • PKI Zertifikatsrichtlinie (Certificate Policy) des BDEW (PDF)
  • Unternehmensübergreifende PKI-Topologien, PKI-Dienste und Einsatzrahmenbedingen (PDF)
  • Zehn Schritte zur VEDIS-Sicherheit (PDF)
  • Häufig gestellte Fragen - FAQ zu VEDIS (PDF)
  • Zertifizierungsrichtlinie (PDF)
  • Umgang mit Schlüsselmaterial (PDF)
HIER klicken, um die 12 Dokumente (jeweils mit einem eigenen Link) frei herunterzuladen.

Das Lesen und Verstehen wird etwas Zeit in Anspruch nehmen - die Umsetzung wird ungleich aufwendiger werden!
Sie sollten Ihr Management überzeugen, diese Empfehlungen ernst zu nehmen - nicht nur, um irgendwelche Anforderungen in Regulierungen oder Gesetzen zu erfüllen.