Sunday, August 23, 2015

IEC 61850 Seminar for Protection and SCADA Engineers in Dammam (KSA) on 18-21 October 2015

FMTP, Al-Ojaimi Energy Services and NettedAutomation offer a public IEC 61850 Seminar with practical demonstrations:

18-21 October 2015
at Novotel Hotel, Dammam Business Park


Click HERE for the Brochure and registration information.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Next IEC 61850 Training Opportunities in English and German

One of the crucial issues in Understanding IEC 61850 and IEC 61400-25 is education. NettedAutomation GmbH (Karlheinz Schwarz) has trained almost 4,000 experts from all over. We offer you the best courses ever conducted.

The other day I received this feedback:

It should be a seminar for the … partners with relation to IEC 61850 in the project (about 20 people) and hosted at xx in xxx – hopefully some time before the end of the year when the project ends.

We see you as the best candidate for providing this seminar and would therefore like to start a dialog on your conditions for this, like draft agenda, availability and price.


The ultimate goal is to have … tools for training people into using IEC61850.
Keep on the good work Karlheinz. I’m a big fan of yours.

We have scheduled several public training courses in German and English. The courses in English are conducted by Andreas Bonetti (FMTP, Senior protection engineer) and Karlheinz Schwarz; the courses in German are conducted by Karlheinz Schwarz

Karlsruhe (Deutsch, Karlheinz Schwarz):
02-04 Dezember 2015
11-13 Januar 2016
07-09 März 2016 (neues Datum)

Karlsruhe/Germany (English, Andrea Bonetti and Karlheinz Schwarz):
13-16 October 2015
18-21 April 2016 (new date)
10-13 October 2016

Stockholm/Sweden (English, Andrea Bonetti and Karlheinz Schwarz):
15-17 March 2016
19-22 September 2016

Dammam City/SA (English, Andrea Bonetti and Karlheinz Schwarz):
18-21 October 2015 EN 

Hong Kong (English, Andrea Bonetti and Karlheinz Schwarz):
17-19 November 2015


13-16 October 2015 EN Khe
18-21 October 2015 EN Dammam City
17-19 November 2015 EN Hong Kong
02-04 Dezember 2015 DE Khe
11-13 Januar 2016 DE Khe
07-09 März 2016 DE Khe (neues Datum)
15-17 March 2016 EN Sto
18-21 April 2016 EN Khe (new date)
19-22 September 2016 EN Sto
10-13 October 2016 EN Khe

Click HERE for more details on the courses in Deutsch.
Click HERE for more details on the courses in English.

Contact us by email in case you have any question.

What is an IEC 61850 Data Model – Come and See

Data or device modeling is a crucial feature of IEC 61850 and IEC 61400-25. You may have seen many different approaches to explain how such a model looks like. Some five years ago I used these Russian dolls (matryoshka doll):


An IED contains a lot of “inner” objects.


Today I have thought that another approach may help you to understand the IEC 61850 approach:


What do you think? This and more will be explained in detail during my comprehensive – most liked – courses.

Friday, August 14, 2015

IEC 61850-7-410 Extended Models for Conventional Power Plants

IEC TC 57 just published a FDIS defining extensions for conventional power plants and steam turbines:

IEC 61850-7-410 A1 (57/1607/FDIS): Amendment 1 to IEC 61850-7-410 Ed.2:
Communication networks and systems for power utility automation –
Part 7-410: Basic communication structure – Hydro-electric power plants – Communication for monitoring and control

Voting closes 2015-10-09.

The following new Logical Node classes are added to the Hydro Power model standard IEC 61850-7-410 Ed2:

LN Description
ASEQ Generic control action sequencer


Block control function. This LN will represent one physical device that coordinates the control of the thermal pressure of the steam generator and the electrical power regulation of turbine / generator system.


Fuel control valve. This LN will represent the physical device of fuel control valve related to the gas turbine in a thermal power plant.


Gas turbine production unit. This LN represents the physical device of the GT and the generator combination in a thermal power plant. It is intended as an extended rating plate that allows settings of data. It also acts as a placeholder for the current operating conditions of the unit.


Steam control valve. This LN will represent the physical device of inlet control valve of the steam turbine in a thermal power plant.

ESPD Speed monitoring. This LN is derived from HSPD.

Steam turbine production unit. This LN represents the physical device of the ST and the generator combination in a thermal power plant. It is intended as an extended rating plate that allows settings of data. It also acts as a placeholder for the current operating conditions of the unit.

EUNT Thermal unit operating mode. The present status of the production unit.
FDBF Dead-band filter. This LN represents a settable filter for dead-band.

Trip matrix. This LN represents a matrix for linking various trip functions to equipment that shall be tripped or controlled during a fault.

GUNT Production unit operating mode. The present status of the production unit.
PTUR Used for detection of under resistance, e.g. due to stator or rotor earth-faults.

Supervision of electrical conductivity in water. This logical node represents a system for monitoring of electrical conductivity in water.


Measurement of electrical conductivity in water. This logical node represents a generic device for measuring the conductivity in water.

DataObjects for settings of, e.g., the LN ESTU comprise:


Turbine type (steam, gas, oil)


Turbine rated speed [s–1]


Turbine moment of inertia J [kgm2]


Maximum transient overspeed [s–1]


Runaway speed [s–1]


Rated power in turbine mode [MW ]


Rated flow in turbine mode [kg/s]


High pressure inlet maximum pressure [Pa]


Intermediate pressure inlet maximum pressure [Pa]


Low pressure inlet maximum pressure [Pa]


High pressure control valve rated oil pressure [Pa]


High pressure control valve rated closing time [s]


Intermediate pressure control valve rated oil pressure [Pa]


Intermediate pressure control valve rated closing time [s]


Low pressure control valve rated oil pressure [Pa]


Low pressure control valve rated closing time [s]


Intercept valve rated oil pressure [Pa]


Turbine rated main steam temperature


Re-heat steam temperature


Intercept valve rated closing time [s]

New Work Proposal IEC 61850-9-3 approved

The new work Proposal has been approved:

IEC/IEEE 61850-9-3 Ed.1 (57/1611/RVN):
Communication networks and systems for power utility automation –
Part 9-3: Precision time protocol profile for power utility automation

Click HERE for some more information.

IEC 61850-90-6: Use of IEC 61850 for Distribution Automation Systems

IEC TC 57 has published a very interesting 140 page document describing the use of IEC 61850 for distribution automation:

Draft IEC TR 61850-90-6 (57/1615/DC):
Communication networks and systems for power utility automation
Part 90-6: Use of IEC 61850 for Distribution Automation Systems

Distribution Automation and Feeder Automation Distribution Automation (DA) as a concept emerged in the 1970s to promote the application of computer and communications technologies for improving of distribution system operating performance. It is in general used as an umbrella term to describe the deployment of automation technologies for protection, control, monitoring, and operation of distribution systems.

The current document mainly describes the following functions of Distribution/Feeder Automation Systems:

  • DSCADA (Distribution-Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition) This function allows the operator to monitor and control the distribution networks remotely. It is a basic function of DASs.
  • FLISR (Fault Location, Isolation and Service Restoration) It includes the FLISR using auto reclosers and auto-sectionalizers, the FLISR based on the centralized control of the master station and the FLISR based on the distributed control scheme in which field IEDs exchange fault and control information through a peer to peer communication network. These are main typical implementation/architecture for supporting the FLISR. The reality may be the mix all these three modes.
  • VVC (Voltage and Var control) The objective of VVC is to minimize the power losses in the network, improve the voltage profile, or both, using the settings of LTC substation transformers, bus/feeder voltage regulators and switching shunt capacitors. More advanced VVC applications may also use the active and reactive power injection by the DER units as well as distribution FACTS devices such as D-STATCOM and D-SVC. The auto-recloser function has to be blocked. Only the basic VVC scenario which only involves the control of voltage regulators and switching shunt capacitors is considered in this report.
  • Anti-Islanding Protection Based on Communications In case of the feeder circuit breaker opens, an unintentional islanding may have been created. The involved DER in the island has to been forced to stop energizing the feeder for workers safety, system security and power quality reasons. While the islanding detection methods using local measurements at intertie may have none-detection zone, the anti-islanding protection can be improved through detecting the tripping of substation breakers and transmitting this information down to the feeder

A DA system may comprise up to tens of thousands of IEDs spreading over a wide area distribution network. From time to time, the new IEDs may be introduced, and the configuration of existing IEDs may need to be modified. The current configuration method for substation automation systems may need extended configuration methods. Therefore, a use case for installing new IEDs and updating the configuration of existing IEDs will also be described in this section.

In order to precise the various use-cases, the document contains sequence diagrams, e.g., for Fault Location:


The standard series IEC 61850 is THE standard for power systems.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

ENTSO-E Strongly Supports IEC 61850 for Substation Automation

ENTSO-E (European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity) wants to become “an important stakeholder in the IEC 61850 improvement process and will actively contribute, mainly through the profiling work of the IEC 61850 standard.”

ENTSO-E has just published an update on their current and future support of IEC 61850.

I very much appreciate the efforts of the European Transmission System Operators!

Click HERE for the latest news.

The electrical power delivery system is composed of many other domains that are beyond the substations in transmission systems:

  • Conventional Power Generation
  • Wind Power Plants
  • Hydro Power Plants
  • Distribution systems
  • Renewable Energy Resources
  • Load centers (like factories, petro chemical plant, …)
  • Power quality monitoring
  • Virtual Power Plants
  • Primary, secondary, and tertiary control
  • Load shedding

IEC 61850 is about to be used in all of these application domains – to become a Seamless Information Exchange System.

Many pilot implementations and tests are underway in these domains. Usually using proprietary Information Exchange System, because the main objectives of these projects are mainly related to power system dynamics and stability – one way or the other. Later they figure out: Hey, we have a very successful project … but created many proprietary, non-interoperable Information Exchange Systems.

It is highly recommended to use IEC 61850 from the scratch! Because this is THE standard. There is usually no need to spend money and time to develop something specific for one use case.

On my radar screen I see many people starting to use IEC 61850 – users and vendors … and system integrators. All over.

Resume: ENTSO-E is just ONE of MANY efforts to apply IEC 61850.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

SCL Schema Accessibility in the near future

The SCL schema is published as part of the delivery of edition 1 and edition 2 of part 6. The publication of a Technical Corrigendum to IEC 61850-6 Ed. 1 and Ed. 2 is under way.

To provide an easier way to retrieve the latest version of the Schema a new possibility to access the Schema from the IEC Website is proposed in the document (57/1604/DC): Latest version of SCL schema and planned publication of a Technical Corrigendum to IEC 61850-6 Ed. 1 and Ed. 2.

This process is already proposed for the first corrigenda of part 6 and from Edition 2.1 onwards.

Please note: Currently the following valid schema files are currently used for conformance testing of IEC 61850:

- For Edition 1 of IEC 61850-6: SCL 1.7
- For Edition 2 of IEC 61850-6: SCL.2007B

IEC 61850-80-4 Translation from COSEM to IEC 61850

IEC TC 57 just published the draft Technical Specification (57/1602/DTS):

IEC 61850-80-4 TS:
Communication networks and systems for power utility automation –
Part 80-4: Translation from COSEM object model (IEC 62056) to the IEC 61850 data model

Voting terminates on 2015-10-30

This part defines the one-to-one relationship of IEC 62056 OBIS codes to IEC 61850 Logical Nodes. The purpose is to increase the availability of revenue meter information to other applications defined within the IEC 61850 framework. This increased visibility will contribute to information available for smart grid applications.

IEC 61850-90-8 Models for Electric Mobility

IEC TC 57 just published the 70+ page draft (57/1603/DTR) for comments:

IEC 61850-90-8 TR:
Communication networks and systems for power utility automation –
Part 90-8: Object model for electric mobility

Voting terminates on 2015-09-25

This technical report describes how current standardization for Electric Road Vehicles (EV) and the Vehicle-to-Grid Communication Interface can be linked to IEC 61850-7-420 standard for Distributed Energy Resources (DER). The technical report provides necessary background information and proposes an object model for E-mobility in order to establish an EV plugged into the power grid as DER according to the principles of IEC 61850-7-420. The basic information modeling in IEC 61850 and IEC 61850-7-420 already covers a lot of needs for the e-Mobility domain. Missing parts can be modeled as new logical nodes and data objects, which this technical report defines.

The scope of this document is to show how IEC 61850-7-420 can be used to model the essential parts of the E-mobility standards related to Electric Vehicles and Electric Vehicle Supply Equipments (IEC 62196, IEC 61851, IEC 15118) and the Power system (IEC 61850-7-420), in order to secure a high level of safety and interoperability.

Here is an overview about the topology of the logical nodes required (existing and new ones):


Standards are key for E-Mobility and many other power application domains.

NEWS on IEC 61850 Conformance Test Labs

The following nine new IEC 61850 Test services have been approved by the UCAIUG in during the first half of 2015:

Level A
IEC 61850 Conformance Test for 2nd Edition Server Products

  • Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute (KERI) [January 2015]
  • TÜV SÜD (Munich, Germany) [January 2015]
  • Xuchang KETOP, Testing Technology Co.,Ltd, Xuchang, China [February 2015]
Level B
IEC 61850 Conformance Test for 2nd Edition Server Products
  • ALSTOM GRID UK Ltd, Substation Automation , Stafford (UK) [July 2015]

Level A
IEC 61850 Conformance Testing Sampled Values 9-2LE Publisher

  • Xuchang KETOP, Testing Technology Co.,Ltd, Xuchang, China [March 2015]
  • TÜV SÜD (Munich, Germany) [March 2015]

Level A
Edition 2 Client Systems

  • DNV GL – Energy (KEMA), Arnhem (Netherlands) [April 2015]
  • TÜV SÜD (Munich, Germany) [July 2015]

IEC 61850 Conformance testing Edition 1 Server Products

  • ALSTOM GRID UK Ltd, Substation Automation , Stafford (UK) [July 2015]

A total of 479 Certificates for Server Ed1 (47 for clients) and 21 for Server Ed2 (1 for clients) have been issued by July 2015.

Click HERE to access the testing information (requires user name and password – at least you need a guest account).