Tuesday, June 28, 2016

IEC 60870-5-104 AND IEC 61850 in all Training Courses of NettedAutomation

Due to the increasing importance of IEC 60870-5-104 in many new projects (e.g., in VHPready) NettedAutomation incorporates a new training module into the standard 3 days and 4 days training courses.
Usually we will spent a half day on IEC 60870-5-104 during our 3 days course and a full day in our 4 days course.
In-house courses may vary. We also offer 2 days special courses on IEC 60870-5-104 including practical exercises, e.g., to understand the VHPready solution and how to build gateways for many well known industrial fieldbusses like Profibus, Profinet, Ethernet/IP, etc.
Click HERE if you are interested in training for IEC 60870-5-104.

VHPready - Offener Industriestandard auf dem Vormarsch

Die Versorgungssicherheit in der Energiewende soll durch innovative Applikationen wie Lastmanagement und virtuelle Kraftwerke gewährleistet werden. Ihre Aufgabe ist es, die natürlichen Schwankungen der erneuerbaren Energien auszugleichen. Der offene Industriestandard VHPready fördert dabei auch die Einbindung industrieller Anlagen und Lasten in die Leitwarte und die notwendige Kommunikation (Profibus, ProfiNet, Ethernet/IP, Modbus, ...). Für den Informationsaustausch werden die beiden Lösungen angeboten: IEC 60870-5-104 (klassische Fernwirktechnik) und IEC 61850-7-420 (moderne Informationsmodelle und Austauschmechanismen).
Im SPS-Magazin finden Sie einen aktuellen Artikel von HMS.
HIER klicken, um den Artikel zu lesen.

Eine kostenlose Evaluierungssoftware unter Windows ist verfügbar (C#-Anwendung unter Verwendung des SystemCorp IEC 61850 Stack/API; Server und Client; C#-Anwendung mit Sourcecode).
HIER klicken, um zum Download zu gelangen.

Client-Anwendung (links) und Server-Anwendung (rechts) unter Localhost (auch mittels SCL-File konfigurierbar für PC-PC-Kommunikation mit Nachrichten auf TCP/IP):

Die HMS-Gateways unterstützen sowohl Server- als auch Client-Rollen (für IEC 60870-5-104 als auch für IEC 61850.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Beck IPC Offers New Very Powerful Embedded Platforms for Realtime Applications

Beck IPC (Wetzlas/Germany) is very successful in offering embedded platforms for many applications - including IEC 61850, IEC 60870-5-104, DNP3, ...
In order to offer a very powerful platform Beck IPC has developed two new SoM (System on Module): IPC@CHIP® SC1x5 and SC1x8 SoM

Some features:

Due to the compatible API, applications available for the SC143: IEC 61850, IEC 60870-5-101, (soon: DNP3), ... and many other applications, can easily be ported to the new powerful platform!

Click HERE for a two page brochure.
Click HERE for the latest documentation - search, e.g., for SC145

Saturday, June 18, 2016

New part IEC 61850-90-19: Using Role Based Access Control (RBAC) and IEC 61850

IEC TC 57 has just proposed a new part of the series IEC 61850:
IEC TR 61850-90-19: Communication networks and systems for power utility automation –
Part 90-19: Using Role Based Access Control (RBAC) and IEC 61850
This document is intended to extent IEC TS 62351-8 and provide configuration and maintenance or RBAC for IEC 61850 devices and applications.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Schedule Model combined with Setting Group Control Model

Schedules (LN FSCH) and Schedule Controller (LN FSCC) operate on a single Data Object (controllable entity) only. In case you want to set several or even many values with the Schedule Model - you will fail to do so.
Is there a work-around? Yes!
You can control Setting Group Control Blocks through Schedules as shown in the following picture:

The example shows a schedule with 24 enumerated values (1, 2, 3). These values control the Setting Group Control. That way allows to schedule many values (in the example 9 values) with a single schedule! The Schedule Controller LN FSCC is not shown.
This example shows the flexibility of IEC 61850!
More to come!

Monday, June 13, 2016

Neues IEC-61850-Seminar in Deutsch – Karlsruhe (7.-9.12.2016)

Sie haben jetzt wieder die Möglichkeit, ein dreitägiges (deutschsprachiges!) Intensivseminar
mit Theorie und viel Praxis in Karlsruhe zu einem
***unschlagbar günstigen Preis*** von NUR 790,- Euro (netto) zu buchen!
07.-09. Dezember 2016 (Karlsruhe)

Die NettedAutomation GmbH hat seit 2003 weltweit über 200 Seminare (mit mehr als 4.000 Teilnehmern) für IEC 61850 und IEC 60870-5-104 durchgeführt.
Das Interesse an Seminaren und Trainingskursen im deutschsprachigen Raum ist so groß,
dass NettedAutomation im Dezember 2016 einen weiteren Trainingskurs in Deutsch anbietet.
Am ersten Tag wird ein Überblick über das Normungsumfeld und die einzelnen Normen
gegeben (Edition 1, 2, 2.1). Im Mittelpunkt stehen dabei die grundlegenden Eigenschaften und Bedeutung der Normenreihe IEC 61850 für Engineering, Datenmodellierung, Datenmodelle,
Kommunikationsmöglichkeiten, Sicherheitslösungen sowie deren internationale Umsetzung
und Akzeptanz.
Am zweiten und dritten Tag werden Details behandelt und mit praktischen Übungen an
realen Geräten begleitet. Ein Teil der eingesetzten Lösungen und Werkzeuge können auch
nach dem Training weiter verwendet werden. Es wird vor allem die Frage behandelt: Was
bedeutet der Einsatz dieser Normen für Hersteller von Geräten und Systemen, für die
Systemintegratoren und für die Anwender?

Hier CLICKEN (Email schreiben), wenn Sie Interesse haben.

Training offers by FMTP and NettedAutomation in fall 2016

Upcoming Open Seminars in English for SMART GRID, IEC 61850, PAC, Protection
Automation Control:

Stockholm, SE Sept 19-22 2016
Karlsruhe, DE Oct 10-13 2016

Click HERE for more details and registration information.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Three New CDVs of IEC 61850 Edition 2 Amendments published

IEC TC 57 just published three new CDVs for Edition 2 documents:

IEC 61850-7-2 A1 Ed.2: Amendment 1 to IEC 61850-7-2 Ed.2: Communication networks and systems for power utility automation - Part 7-2: Basic information and communication structure - Abstract communication service interface (ACSI)
The Amendment solves issues that have been reported and discussed in recent years. Some 50 of them are documented in the Tissue Database for part 7-2.

IEC 61850-7-3 A1 Ed.2: Amendment 1 to IEC 61850-7-3 Ed.2: Communication networks and systems for power utility automation - Part 7-3: Basic communication structure - Common data classes
The Amendment solves issues that have been reported and discussed in recent years. Some 45 of them are documented in the Tissue Database for part 7-3.

IEC 61850-9-2 A1 Ed.2: Amendment 1 to IEC 61850-9-2 Ed.2: Communication networks and systems for power utility automation - Part 9-2: Specific communication service mapping (SCSM) - Sampled values over ISO/IEC 8802-3
The Amendment solves issues that have been reported and discussed in recent years.

All three documents can be accessed publicly.

Please take some time to review both documents.
The documents should be available online for reading and for comments.
Check HERE for the access and for providing comments.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

New Seminar "Protection and Control with IEC 61850" in Stockholm

FMTP is pleased to announce their newly designed Seminar "Protection and Control with IEC 61850" in cooperation between FMTP Power,  NettedAutomation and KTH, conducted by the well know experts: Mr Andrea Bonetti, Mr Karlheinz Schwarz and Prof. Lars Nordström.
We have added one extra day, with group practical exercises and guest speakers from a well-known Power utility and OPAL RT real time testing of power systems for IEC 61850 environment.
Stockholm, Sweden –  at KTH (Royal Technical Institute)
Sept. 19-23, 2016
Click HERE for the program and registration

PAC World Conference (13-16 June 2016) at the University of Ljubljana

The Seventh Protection, Automation and Control (PAC) World Conference will take place from 13 June to 16 June 2016 at the University of Ljubljana in Slovenia. Members of the PAC World community, professionals from utilities and universities, manufacturers and consultants, are invited to take part in a unique event that will help us build better understanding and knowledge in our industry.
The conference format is unique not only in bringing experts from different domains of the PAC space together in the same room. The conference will be held in six half-day sessions. More than 100 papers from 33 countries will be presented during the three full days of the conference in oral and poster sessions.
This format will allow us to capture the pulse of our industry and to provide to the participants at the conference and the members of the PAC World community around the globe a snapshot of the state of technology, challenges, experience and future developments that will shape protection, automation and control systems as part of the Smart Grid of the future.

Click HERE for the details, program, registration, etc.

One crucial topic will be IEC 61850. Many or even most of the 60 presentations are linked to IEC 61850 - one way or the other.

SystemCorp, SISCO, Triangle Microworks, and other companies will present their stacks, API, applications, ... and how to build IEC 61850 Gateways like HMS:

Click HERE for more details on the HMS Gateways.

Detlef Raddatz (SystemCorp) will present a paper on:
IEC 61850 Communication / IEC 61131 Programmable Logic Control Application Integration Methods


IEC 61850 Europe 2016 takes place 18-20 October 2016 in Amsterdam

The 3rd annual IEC 61850 Europe 2016 conference, exhibition and networking forum will draw together 150+ IEC 61850 experts and implementation leaders for 3 intensive days of discussions around multi-vendor multi-edition system architectures to support the smart grid. Placing Edition 2 at the heart of discussions, this year’s agenda provides a clear plan for optimising the system design, engineering, testing, operation and maintenance procedures of next generation systems.

“There has been tremendous progress in the take-up of IEC 61850 enabled systems in the last 3 years since the conference first launched” says Mandana White, Programme Director of IEC 61850 Europe 2016, organised by Phoenix Forums. “With utility commitment to IEC 61850 at an all-time high, IEC 61850 workforces expanding at a rapid rate, and the application of the standard going beyond the substation, the opportunities and challenges facing the IEC 61850 end-user community are now significant. And it is with these important shifts in mind that we have shaped this year’s agenda.”

Click HERE for details.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

1,500 IEC 61850 Tissues posted since 2004

One of the crucial tools to help improving the quality of the Standard Series IEC 61850 is the so-called Tissue Database (Technical Issues):


Currently 1,500 Tissues have been posted, discussed, answered, solved, ...

The Tissue #1,500 has been posted by TÜV SÜD on June 06, 2016.

The Tissue Database is open for every expert in the domain of IEC 61850. To post a tissue you need to register.

CDV of IEC 61850-6 Amendment 1 and IEC 62351-9 available for comments

IEC TC 57 has published the following documents for review:

IEC 61850-6 A1: Amendment 1 to IEC 61850-6 Ed.2:Communication networks and systems for power utility automation -
Part 6: Configuration description language for communication in electrical substations related to IEDs

The Amendment incorporates 60 Tissues - listed in the CDV document. You can find easily what has been revised.

IEC 62351-9: Power systems management and associated information exchange - Data and communications security -
Part 9: Cyber security key management for power system equipment

Please take some time to review both documents.
The documents should be available online for reading and for comments.
Check HERE for the access and for providing comments.

Many Open Positions in the U.S. linked to IEC 61850

An indication that IEC 61850 is used more often in the U.S. can be found when you search for an position with Simplyhired:


Today the search engine found 59 links ... Wow.

Several links are shown for France and Germany:


Good luck.