Monday, February 10, 2025

IEC 61850-7-410 ED3 CDC - Hydroelectric Power Plants Available for Public Commenting

Please note that last Friday IEC TC 57 has published the following Committee Draft for Vote (CDV) (57/2750/CDV) for comments by National Committees AND for public commenting by anybody before April 04, 2025:

IEC 61850-7-410 ED3: Communication networks and systems for power utility automation - Part 7-410: Basic communication structure - Hydroelectric power plants - Communication for monitoring and control 

To comment on the CDV please click HERE. If you have not yet an account you can register ... if you have an account, go on. (IEC reports: Please use Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge).

IEC Public Commenting is a chance to let your voice be heard before the final vote.

This draft is a major step forward to get an international standard for hydroelectric power plants, steam and gas turbines.

Is AI Solving the Future Challenges in Physics, Technologies, Automation ...?

There are a lot of expectations regarding AI (Artificial Intelligence) ... what are experienced engineers telling us ...

I came about a very interesting post on LinkedIn from David Ingram. The post is worth reading!!

Click HERE for the post.

The comment from Chris Turner on the post writes: 

"AI fails in poorly understood domains. It relies on websites that may be right, wrong or a mixture of both. e.g. I asked AI "Q: What In-Circuit Test measurements (including powered tests), are most likely to provide a Gaussian bell shaped curve?

A: .... "

Chris resumes: "The AI answer is wrong."

I am not surprised ... 

Monday, February 3, 2025

„Lumpensammler“ in der Stationsautomatisierung mit IEC 61850 - Störmelder

EES (Backnang) bietet eine "super-einfache" Lösung zur Alarmierung von Störungen in IEC 61850 basierten Systemen:

"Neben den Informationen von Feld- und Schutzgeräten, fallen in Schaltanlagen zusätzliche Meldungen an, die an die Leittechnik übermittelt werden sollen. Diese Informationen sollen über die vorhandene Infrastruktur mit dem Protokoll IEC 61850 übertragen werden. ... 

  1. Einbindung von Einzelmeldungen in die Stationsautomatisierung über IEC 61850
  2. Integrierte Relaisausgänge zur Befehlsausgabe
  3. Einfache Parametrierung über integrierten Web-Server
  4. Zuverlässiger Betrieb durch störfestes Design und angepasste Signalverarbeitung
  5. Hohe Funktionalität und Skalierbarkeit von 8 bis zu 192 Meldungen ..."

HIER kommen Sie zu weiteren Informationen.

Dieses Beispiel zeigt, dass IEC 61850 auch für einfache Aufgaben angewendet werden kann!

„Rag-man“ in Substations Applying IEC 61850 - Fault Annunciators

EES (Backnang, Germany) offers a nice solution for simple and easy alarming in IEC 61850 based systems:
"In addition to the information provided by the field and protection devices over IEC 61850, different single alarms incurr in switchgear stations, e.g. from the station supply switchboard section or general alarms like temperature monitoring or door contacts. ... 
  1. Simple integration of fault annunciators into IEC 61850 structures – through copper or optical fibre connection
  2. Integrated relay outputs for issue of commands
  3. Easy parameterisation through integrated web-server
  4. Reliable operation through immune design and adapted signal processing
  5. High functionality and scalability from 8 up to 192 alarms ..."
Click HERE for additional information.
This product shows that IEC 61850 is applicable for simple and easy to use applications.