Saturday, July 9, 2016

New Work Items Proposed within IEC TC 57 (IEC 62351-14)

Power systems management and associated information exchange - Data and communications security - Part 14: Cyber security event logging (proposed IEC 62351-14)

This part 14 of the IEC 62351 series specifies technical requirements for logging cyber security events: transport, log data and semantics, such as how to send and receive security events securely, reliably, how to forward security events or logs, etc.
The purpose of this standard is to specify the requirements needed by the power industry to meet
their cyber security needs, to comply with cyber security regulations and standards, and to guarantee
interoperability among different vendor products.

Logical Node "GSAL" (Generic security application), IEC 61850-7-4, is recommended to take into account with the already published data objects:

AuthFail       Authorisation failures
AcsCtlFail    SEC Access control failures detected
SvcViol        SEC Service privilege violations
Ina                SEC Inactive associations
NumCntRs   Number of counter resets

Ballot closes 2016-09-30

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