Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Communication solution for Siprotec 4 and 5

The Siemens Siprotec solutions support usually several solutions for communication interfaces. The following list shows which communication solutions are supported by Siprotec 4 and Siprotec 5 devices:



According to Siemens comprises the installed base of Siprotec devices about one million devices and some 250,000 with IEC 61850. As you can see, the Siprotec 5 does (not yet) support IEC 60870-5-104*, not any more FMS, DP, and Profinet.
* under development for Siprotec 5.

Source (dated 2013):
Selection Guide for SIPROTEC Edition 2

The number devices with IEC 61850 interface is growing very fast. Recently experts from two German utilities told me that they expect that in some time down the road even 104 will not anymore be offered by major manufacturers.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Guideline for Time Stamping of Operational Data Logs

NERC has published a Guideline to describe minimum recommendations for maintaining accurate time stamp indications for logged events on the bulk power system.

Security Guideline for the Electricity Sector:
Time Stamping of Operational Data Logs

Click HERE to download the complete NERC document.

This is a document worth to read!

End-to-end quality codes for SADA Signals

IEC TC 57 has published the 49 page final draft standard IEC 62361-2 (57/1374/FDIS):
Power systems management and associated information exchange –
Interoperability in the long term –
Part 2: End-to-end quality codes for supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA)

The ballot closes 2013-08-09.

What does this FDIS provide?

It lists the quality codes of the following standards and provides a mapping between them:

  • IEC 61850
  • IEC 60870-5-101/104
  • IEC 60870-6 TASE.2
  • OPC DA

There could be the following series of standards involved from IEDs to a CC:

IEC 61805 –> IEC 60870-5-104 –> IEC 61970 -> IEC 60870-6 –> IEC 61970

Good luck!

This standard will help to reach a standardized mapping!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

First Draft on how to use IEC 61850 models in substations (IEC 61850-7-500)

IEC TC 57 has recently published a first Draft IEC TR 61850-7-500 – Use of logical nodes for modelling applications and related concepts and guidelines for substations (57/1371/DC). The document comprises almost 60 pages.

Comments are requested by 2013-07-12 at the latest.

The technical report is intended to provide guidelines and explanations, how the logical nodes defined in IEC 61850-7-4 shall be combined and used to model applications from substation automation domain.

A crucial goal is to show the most common application of Logical Nodes in
modelling simple and complex functions, to improve common understanding in modelling and data exchange, and finally to lead to implementations which keep at least interoperability.

For those people that are interested in process bus applications, it is highly recommended that you review that document!

If you are interested in this work, please contact your national mirror committee of TC 57.

First draft for IEC 61850-90-3 (Condition Monitoring)

IEC TC 57 has recently published a first Draft IEC TR 61850-90-3 – Using IEC 61850 for condition monitoring diagnosis and analysis (57/1372/DC). The document comprises almost 200 pages. Comments are requested by 2013-07-12 at the latest

Domains covered are among others: monitoring of GIS, transformers, load tap changers, underground cables, transmission lines and the auxiliary power system … proposing a few new Logical Nodes and about 200 new Data Objects extending existing Logical Nodes of, e.g, IEC 61850-7-4 Edition 2.

If you are interested in this work, please contact your national mirror committee of TC 57.

IEC 61850-90-14 for FACTS (Flexible AC Transmission Systems) – Project started

The work on IEC 61850-90-14 FACTS (Flexible AC Transmission Systems) data modeling (Using IEC 61850 for FACTS data modeling) has been started recently.

There is a lot of interest in this area. A first draft is expected by end of 2013.

If you are interested in this work, please contact your national mirror committee of TC 57.

Störmelder mit IEC 61850 – kostenlose eintägige Schulung

Die Firma EES in Backnang bietet ein kostenloses praxisnahes eintägiges Seminar zum Thema "Integration von Störmeldern in IEC 61850 Strukturen" an.

IEC 61850 ist Standard in der Stationsautomatisierung. Mit dem USM61850 stellt EES einen Störmeldebaustein mit IEC61850-Schnittstelle vor, der z.B. als „Lumpensammler“ in der Stationsautomatisierung eingesetzt werden kann.

Im Seminar werden im ersten Teil Grundlagen der IEC61850, Unterschiede zu IEC61850-101/104, Datenmodellierung und Systembeschreibung erläutert. Im praxisorientierten Teil 2 werden Funktion, Parametrierung und Ankopplung des Störmeldbausteins USM61850 an die Leittechnik dargestellt.

Das Seminar findet am 13.6.2013 in Backnang statt. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter