Saturday, July 26, 2008

BTC setzt auf IEC 61400-25 und IEC 61850

BTC Wind Farm Center (WFC)
Windparkleit- und Managementsystemfür Offshore Windparks

Das BTC Wind Farm Center umfasst:

  • Funktionen zur Überwachung und Steuerung aller Komponenten eines Windparks in Echtzeit
  • Funktionen zur Ressourcenplanung und -steuerung für den Betriebsführer
  • Funktionen für Zustandsanalyse und Ertragscontrolling für den Betreiber
  • Unterstützung des neuen IEC 61400-25 Standard als Kommunikationsprotokoll
  • Erfüllung der Berichtsanforderungen von Banken, Versicherungen und öffentlichen Stellen
.... unabhängigeProzesskommunikation mittels der Normen IEC 60870-5-104, IEC61400-25 und IEC 61850

Mehr Details ...

Offshore Windpark alpha ventus - Baustart am 28.07.2008

Die Arbeiten für den ersten Bauabschnitt des Windparks alpha ventus beginnen am 28. Juli 2008 ... mehr Information

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

500 kV Bradley Substation in operation

According to CNN Money the Tennese Valley Authority's (TVA) substation Bradley is a big step forward in the application of IEC 61850 compliant substations in the USA:

"The successful implementation of IEC 61850 is a reality now. Short lead-time, cost-effective, repeatable and flexible protection and control systems can now be designed and implemented at the highest voltage levels."

more ...

Monday, July 21, 2008

IEC 61850 presentations and seminars in Asia fall 2008

Several IEC 61850 related Presentations, Seminars and Training sessions in Asia in fall 2008 are planned by Karlheinz Schwarz (SCC):

CEPSI (Macau) Presentations - 27-31 October, 2008
(exact dates of presentations not yet known)

Brisbane (Australia) - 6-7 November 2008

  • Seminar/Update on latest developments on IEC 61850 - Interested? contact us ...

Wellington (New Zealand) - 10-11 November 2008

Auckland (New Zealand) - 13-14 November 2008

Friday, July 18, 2008

Doble Test Equipment speaks IEC 61850

Doble's Power System Simulator F6150 supports IEC 61850 GSE (GOSE and GSSE).

The F6860 IEC 61850–Compliant Protection Testing
Modern protection test systems are designed to comply with the IEC 61850 GSE messaging standard. The F6860 option and Doble protection testing software package make testing protection schemes that use IEC 61850–compliant IEDs (intelligent electronic devices) simple.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Bachmann electronic: MMS server for wind turbine controller

2007-07-17: Bachmann electronic (Feldkirch, Austria) offers IEC 61850 (IEC 61400-25) wind turbine controller M1 with MMS (Manufacturing Message Specification) as protocol to run on TCP/IP.

Press release English (Word document)
Press release German (Word document)

More details on IEC 61400-25 (Communications for monitoring and control of wind power plants).

Details on MMS.

Usersgroup for IEC 61400-25: start in September 2008

Vattenfall and other utilities have invited for the start-up of a Usersgroup for IEC 61400-25.

The start-up meeting will be on September 17, 2008, in Kopenhagen (Denmark). On September 16 there will be a meeting to celebrate the successful publication of the standards series IEC 61400-25.

Interested? contact us ...

Kommunikation A und O für zukünftige Energieversorgung

Die VDI-Studie "Smart Distribution 2020 - Virtuelle Kraftwerke in Verteilungsnetzen" fordert die konsequente Anwendung der Normenreihe IEC 61850!

Bericht in den VDI-Nachrichten vom 10.07.2008

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Did you know... Kalkitech Sub-Station Configuration Tool?


Kalki SCL Manager is the leading Substation Configuration Software Platform, that enables substation engineers and design and commissioning engineers to build different substation configurations, architectures, models etc., quickly and cost effectively, without being to be experts in IEC 61850.

More details and key functionality overview here...

Did you know... Visual SCL?


ASE’s Visual SCL is a graphical tool that allows the creation, editing and viewing of IEC 61850 SCL files without requiring knowledge of the underlying XML syntax. This allows the user to concentrate on the engineering process as opposed to XML syntax. IEC 61850-6 Visual SCL can be used for SAS functional specification (SSD files), IED capability description (ICD files), as well as SA system description (SCD files). Visual SCL contains high level graphical editing tools for the Substation, IED, and Communication models as well as a Data Template editor.

Download a 15 day limited evaluation copy and read more about the features of Visual Substation Configuration Language (SCL)...

Definition: SCL

EnBW to buy a quarter of EWE for 2 billion euros

German utility EnBW (Number 3 in Germany) agreed to buy 25 per cent of EWE for 2 billion euros ($3.2 billion). EWE is quite active in the renewable and distributed energy market .. as well as in the telecom business and software development (BTC). EWE and BTC both support the standards IEC 61850 and IEC 61400-25.

EWE and EnBW have said that the Information and Communication Technologies are the base of the future smart power systems!

Dr. Brinker (CEO of EWE) said: "... That includes in particular the combination of energy, telecommunications and information technology as a precondition for intelligent energy supplies in the future".

More to come.

Reuter's news report [de]
[de] EWE und EnBW beschließen Partnerschaft

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Google supports SmartGridCity in Boulder

SmartGridCity in Boulder supported by Google, Current Group, Xcel Energy, ... at a core of a $ 100 million program !! The information exchange for the smart grid is based on Current Group's BPL (broadband-over-powerline). This allows that every information needed for the future smart power system is available at any time. more details...

About Current Group

The connectivity to the transformers may also be used to tap any kind of useful information from the respective substation. IEC 61850 compliant substation IEDs would simplify the access of any needed substation information like voltage, currents, frequency, power factor ...

More to come.

Friday, July 11, 2008

IEC 61850 SCL-Validator

I found a free online SCL-Validator for IEC 61850.

"Here is a web-based SCL-validator provided to check the conformity of your SCL-files to the schema of IEC 61850-6.
Used version of the SCL-schema: xmlns="" version="1.4"
All you need is to send your SCL-file into the application and get the validation result in a seperate window."

Try the online demo of the IEC 61850 SCL-Validator...

From protection to perfection - Unleashing the full potential of the IEC 61850 standard

WindowClipping (2) "Packed with the latest protection technology and featuring native support for the prevailing IEC 61850 substation communication standard, ABB's REF615 feeder protection relay is the ideal choice for the protection and control of your distribution substations. Implementing horizontal inter-relay communication and GOOSE services over an Ethernet substation LAN, the REF615 relays unleash the full potential of the IEC 61850 standard as demonstrated by a cost-effective, fast and reliable substation busbar protection system."

See the REF615 protection relay at the CIGRÉ 2008 Session in Paris, France, 24 - 29 August 2008.

REF615 Human Machine Interface (HMI) Simulator

The REF615 HMI Simulator offers you an easy and convenient way to get familiar with the HMI oerations and functionality of REF615.

IEC 61850 Links

Here is my IEC 61850 link collection (unsorted). Feel free to send me your favorite links to be added here.

IEC 61850 / 61400-25 Training

Here is a list of current seminars or training events on IEC 61850 / 61400-25:

  1. 10.-11. July 2008 (New Date)
    09:00-18:30 and 8:30-17:00
    Atlanta, GA (USA)
  2. 21.-22. August 2008
    09:00-18:30 and 8:30-17:00
    Paris (France)
    prior to CIGRE conference
  3. week 22.-26. September 2008 (new date!!)
    09:00-18:30 and 8:30-17:00
    Seoul (South Korea)
    prior to IEC TC 57 Plenary meeting
  4. coming soon

If you offering another event on IEC 61850 feel free to contact me to add it to the list here.

[de] VDE: Mehr Intelligenz ins Stromnetz

In den heise online News vom 2. Juli 2008 gefunden:

“Eine Voraussetzung für die optimale Einbindung des wachsenden Anteils erneuerbarer Energien in die Stromversorgung ist die breit angelegte Aufrüstung mit Informations- und Kommunikationstechniken (IKT) im Bereich der Verteilnetze. Darauf wies der VDE am heutigen Mittwoch bei der Präsentation der Studie "Smart Distribution 2020" in Berlin hin. […]

Anstelle der heute zur Netzsteuerung vielfach verwendeten proprietären Kommunikationsprotokolle unterschiedlicher Hersteller plädiert die Studie für den konsequenten Einsatz des Standards IEC 61850 auf allen Netzebenen und Übertragungsmedien.”

Den ganzen Artikel auf heise online lesen

[de] Dezentrale Energieversorgungsanlagen mit IEC 61850 kommunikationsfähig machen

Photovoltaik-Anlagen, Wasserkraftwerke, Brennstoffzellen, Blockheizkraftwerke, Dieselgeneratoren – jeder speist in das Verbundnetz ein, was er gerade zu bieten hat?

“[…] Dazu bedarf es eines Taktstockes, also eines Kommunikationsmediums, das alle angeschlossenen Teilnehmer gleichermaßen verstehen. Das DKE/K 952 Netzleittechnik ist der Ansicht, dass so ein Taktstock auf Basis der IEC 61850 definiert werden kann und hat hierzu den DKE/AK 917.0.17 einberufen”

Lesen sie den Steckbrief des DKE/AK 952.0.17 (pdf) als auch den ganzen Artikel

Smart Grid Vehicle - Putting IEC 61850-7-420 on wheels

A new project from German Section of the International Solar Energy Society (DGS) has started putting IEC 61850-7-420 on wheels: the Smart Grid Vehicle (SGV).

“Smart Grid Services: Electric cars are basically batteries storage systems on wheels and can serve as versatile distributed energy resources… managed via IEC 61850.”

Read more at the SGV Web site…

[de] Virtuelle Kraftwerke brauchen viel Kommunikation

Energie: VDE-Studie macht Vorschläge für die Einbindung von Ökostrom in Verteilungsnetze - Neue Speicher und Lastmanagement sollen den Anlagenbetrieb unterstützen

Das Ziel der Bundesregierung ist klar: Erneuerbare Energien sollen einen wachsenden Anteil an der Stromerzeugung erbringen. Doch die zahlreichen dezentralen Anlagen - von Windkraft über Biomasse bis Photovoltaik - müssen sinnvoll ins Netz eingepasst werden. Der Verband VDE erarbeitete dazu ein Konzept.


Der VDE plädiert für den konsequenten Einsatz des Standards IEC 61850 (Wikipedia EN), weil damit auch Datensicherheit gewährleistet sei.

Weiter lesen…