Saturday, May 26, 2018

IEC TS 62351-5 ED2 - Security for IEC 60870-5 and derivatives

IEC TC 57 just published a new proposal to revise TR IEC 62351-5 and convert it into a standard:


Proposed revision of IEC TS 62351-5 ED2 and transformation of the TS into an IS (Power systems management and associated information exchange - Data and communications security - Part 5: Security for IEC 60870-5 and derivatives)

Excerpt from the background:

"... Since IEC TS 62351-5 was first published, IEC 60870-5-7 has been published defining specific security requirements for IEC 60870-5 protocols based on IEC TS 62351-5, while similar specific security requirements have been defined for IEEE Std. 1815 (DNP3). In addition, implementations have been undertaken by vendors. As a result, some issues with IEC TS 62351-5 were identified. At the same time, the security requirements for IEC 60870-5 have matured since these specifications were released as a Technical Specification. At this time, it is important to update these security requirements and convert them into an International Standard in order to ensure that implementations of IEC 60870-5 can include the appropriate security measures. ..."

Comments are expected by 2018-07-20 at the latest.

IEC 61850 - Model Extensions To Support Microgrids

IEC TC 57 just published a proposal for a new work:


Model extensions to IEC 61850 to support microgrids

From the preamble:

"An important market trend is to enable the operation of DER in islandable mode supplying a local process such as campus, buildings, industries, …. Thus it is important to complement the existing and/or coming IEC 61850 series of standards to support such an operation mode, including the protection of considered assets, the management of their transitioning between grid-tied and islanded mode, but also to the support the management of frequency, voltage, and quality of supply to the process. ..."

Comments to the proposal are welcome by 2018-07-20 at the latest.

IEC 61850-90-9 - Use of IEC 61850 for Electrical Energy Storage Systems

IEC TC 57 has just published a 114 page new draft technical report:


Draft IEC TR 61850-90-9, Communication networks and systems for power utility automation – Part 90-9: Use of IEC 61850 for electrical energy storage systems

Comments are welcome until 2018-08-17

"This technical report provides necessary information within 61850 based object model in order to model functions of a battery based electrical energy storage system as a DER unit. For intelligently operated and/or automated grids, storing energy for optimising the grid operation is a core function. Therefore shorter periods of storing energy with charging and discharging capability is also an indispensable function. Charging and discharging operations need to be modelled thoroughly and are in the focus of this technical report. ...
An Electrical Energy Storage system (EESS) is a system which is used for the purpose of intermediate storage of electrical energy. The type of storage, the amount of energy, charging and discharging rates as well as self-discharge rate and many other characteristics are technology dependent and therefore can be very different. However, the general meaning of the characteristics and parameters are identical.
The objective of this document is to define a standardized and general approach to information
modelling for operating an EESS regardless of any specific technique, which supports an efficient way of integrating an EESS into grid operation and other businesses.
Various types of EESS, such as battery, pumped hydro, superconducting magnetic energy storage, flywheels, etc., are defined in “IEC White Paper on Electrical Energy Storage.” According to the the white paper, EESS systems are classified by energy form, advantages/disadvantages to the specific usages or the purpose of the implementation. ... "

Part 7-420 - Distributed energy resources and distribution automation logical nodes

After tremendous work on the revision and extension of the IEC 61850-7-420 Edition 1, IEC TC 57 just published the 366 page committee draft IEC 61850-7-420 ED2:


Communication networks and systems for power utility automation – Part 7-420: Basic communication structure – Distributed energy resources and distribution automation logical nodes

Commenting period closes 2018-08-17

Excerpt from the introduction:

"Increasing numbers of DER (distributed energy resources) systems are being interconnected to electric power systems throughout the world. As DER technology evolves and as the impact of dispersed generation on distribution power systems becomes a growing challenge – and opportunity – nations worldwide are recognizing the economic, social, and environmental benefits of integrating DER technology within their electric infrastructure.
The manufacturers of DER devices are facing the age-old issues of what communication standards and protocols to provide to their customers for monitoring and controlling DER devices, in particular when they are interconnected with the electric power system. In the past, DER manufacturers developed their own proprietary ...

This document addresses the IEC 61850 information modelling for DER, although some types and aspects of DER information models have been developed or are being developed separately through technical reports before they are added to this international standard DER model. These consist of the following:
• IEC 61850-90-6: Use of IEC 61850 for Distribution Automation Systems
• IEC 61850-90-8: Object model for electric mobility
• IEC 61850-90-9: Use of IEC 61850 for Electrical Storage Systems
• IEC 61850-90-15: DER Grid Integration using IEC 61850 "

This document is one of the crucial parts for the application of IEC 61850 in distributed power systems.

Friday, May 18, 2018

Great Article on Internet Insecurity - a New Approach!?

Yes - the title is about "Internet Insecurity" ...

The paper suggests a radical new approach in dealing with security or insecurity.

The papers closes:
"Every organization that depends on digital technologies and the internet is vulnerable to a devastating cyberattack. Not even the best cyber hygiene will stop Russia, North Korea, and highly skilled, well-resourced criminal and terrorist groups. The only way to protect your business is to take, where you can, what may look like a technological step backward but in reality is a smart engineering step forward. The goal is to reduce, if not eliminate, the dependency of critical functions on digital technologies and their connections to the internet. The sometimes higher cost will be a bargain when compared with the potentially devastating price of business as usual."

Click HERE for the article.

Thursday, May 17, 2018

FNN-Lastenheft "Steuerbox" veröffentlicht

Der FNN-Hinweis "Lastenheft Steuerbox - Funktionale und konstruktive Merkmale" ist jetzt verfügbar und kann zum Preis von 39 € erworben werden.

Das Lastenheft "Steuerbox" liefert die erste Grundlage für ein standardisiertes Steuerungssystem, das in der Architektur des intelligenten Messsystems betrieben werden kann.

Hier für die Leseprobe klicken.
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Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Die FNN-Steuerbox kommuniziert mit IEC 61850

Die FNN-Steuerbox basiert auf standardisierten Lösungen für den Informationsaustausch. Für die Fernkommunikation mit den Steuerboxeb wurde eine Untermenge an Modellen und Diensten aus der Normenreihe IEC 61850 ausgewählt und näher spezifiziert.

Es kommen Services wie DataSet, Report Control, Log und Log Control, Control ... zur Anwendung. Als wesentliche Modell kommt das Scheduling (Fahrplansteuerung) zum Einsatz.

"In der Niederspannung sind basierend auf den FNN-Anwendungsfällen folgende Teilaspekte relevant.


Die Realisierung einer netzdienlichen Fahrplansteuerung dient in erster Linie dem Ersatz der heutigen Heizungssteuerung (Nachtspeicher, Wärmepumpen, Warmwasser) durch das intelligente Messsystem und unterliegt u. a. den Anforderungen einer autarken und zuverlässigen Schaltfahrplansteuerung sowie einer zeitsynchronen Tarifierung.

Steuern einer Einzelanlage Last/Erzeuger in kurzer Zeit

Die Steuerung von einzelnen Lasten und Erzeugern in der Niederspannung kann durch externe Marktteilnehmer erfolgen und ist i.d.R. als unkritisch zu bewerten.

Steuerung von Anlagengruppen in kurzer Zeit

Die Steuerung von Lasten und Erzeugern in der Niederspannung kann durch Gruppierung der Anlagen zu erhöhten Anforderungen führen. Dies kann bei kritischen Netzsituationen erforderlich werden. Entsprechend sind dabei erweiterte Maßnahmen in der Steuerungsarchitektur
zu treffen.

Die dabei betroffenen Stückzahlen sind im Anwendungsfall der Heizungssteuerung mit deutschlandweit ca. 2 Mio. Anlagen sowie einer Leistung von ca. 15 GW erheblich. Im Bereich der erneuerbaren Energien sind derzeit ca. 1,5 Mio. PV-Anlagen installiert, von denen perspektivisch ein großer Teil steuerbar sein soll - Tendenz steigend."

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