Saturday, August 9, 2014

Just published FDIS IEC 62351-3 Communication network and system security – Profiles including TCP/IP

Security is discussed all over. IEC TC 57 has just published the following Final Draft International Standard:

FDIS IEC 62351-3 (57/1498/FDIS):
Power systems management and associated information exchange – Data and
communications security – Part 3: Communication network and system security – Profiles including TCP/IP

This part 3 was a Technical Specification. The just published FDIS will – once approved as standard cancel and replace IEC TS 62351-3:2007.

The voting on the FDIS closes 2014-10-10. Please check with your TC 57 national mirror committee to get a copy of the draft for comments.

The standard will cover the following:


A crucial definition of this standard will be to require “TLS v1.2 as defined in RFC 5246 (sometimes referred to as SSL v3.3) or higher shall be supported.”

Be smart and build-in security measures like the ones defined in the IEC 62351-3 Standard! You have to ask for it if you are a user – or you must implement it if you are a manufacturer of smart devices.

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