Saturday, August 3, 2024

IEC 61850 Tissue Database Has Been Used to Publish The Second Set Of Tissues in Force

The IEC 61850 Tissue Database is an excellent tool helping to support a high level of quality. Tissues that affect interoperability will be put in force as batches, before an amendment of the standard can be done. They will then as well be required to be implemented for conformance testing.

70 Tissues related to 13 parts are listed in the second batch! Only 18 tissues are real interoperability tissues ... 57 are editorial tissues that improve the understanding of the various parts.

Click HERE to find the link to the first and second batch.

It is highly recommended to study the tissues in some detail ... many tissues (even those that have no impact on the interoperability) contain valuable discussions ... why is this and that done ... or not ... e.g.,