Thursday, August 4, 2016

What is a Critical Infrastructure?

According to Wikipedia:
"Critical infrastructure is a term used by governments to describe assets that are essential for the functioning of a society and economy - the infrastructure."

The first three infrastructures listed are:
  1. electricity generation, transmission and distribution;
  2. gas production, transport and distribution;
  3. oil and oil products production, transport and distribution;
  4. ...
Many other areas could be taken into account - all domains where we have some automation in one form or another you may or may NOT TRUST. So far we have trusted our teachers, our employers, our parents, our car, our friends, our banks, our electric power delivery system ... There seems to be a change coming step by step.
What could we all do about it? 
For our family we have just decided to install a 9,8 kWp Photo Voltaic system on our roof. This is - hopefully - a power harvesting machine we could trust ... as long as the sun is shining.
The latest issue discussed is on "Election Systems" according to the FederalNewsRadio:
"The Homeland Security Department is actively considering whether it should add the nation’s election system — or the individual systems that 9,000 local and state jurisdictions use to collect, tally and report votes — as an entity that needs DHS protection from cybersecurity attacks."

What if we put it all under the new term "Critical Everything" (CE)?
All depends on human beings we have to trust! I want to be such a person - my wife, my family, our friends, you, ... can trust.

When we engineers develop something, we should pay a lot of attention to make the "something" robust, safe, ... better safe than sorry.

Let's do our best in the interest of all our societies.

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