Tuesday, August 7, 2012

IEC 61850-7-410 Edition 2 is out for ballot

IEC 61850-7-410 Edition 2:
Communication networks and systems for power utility automation –
Part 7-410: Basic communication structure – Hydroelectric power plants –
Communication for monitoring and control

has been published for final ballot until 2012-10-05.

Changes in Edition 2 :

  • Generic logical nodes in IEC 61850-7-410 Edition 1 that are not specific to hydropower plants have been moved to IEC 61850-7-4 Edition 2.
  • The definitions of logical nodes have been cleaned up.
  • Most of the modeling examples and background information has been moved to IEC/TR 61850-7-510 Edition 1 (see example below).
  • New general-purpose logical nodes that are not included in IEC 61850-7-4 Edition 2, have been defined.

IEC 61850-7-410 Edition 2 defines 46 Logical Node classes and several hundred data objects:

LN Class Description
ACTM Control mode selection.
AJCL Joint control function, to balance total power from different sources.
APSS PSS Control. Common information of a PSS function.
APST PSS 2A/B filter. Represents a filter according to IEEE 421.5-2005.
APSF PSS 4B filter. Represents a filter according to IEEE 421.5-2005.
FHBT Heart beat function of a controlling device.
FSCH Scheduler. This LN represents a task scheduler
FXPS Functional priority status.
HBRG Turbine – generator shaft bearing.
HCOM Combinator (3D CAM or 2D CAM)
HDAM Hydropower dam.
HDFL Deflector control.
HDLS Dam leakage supervision.
HEBR Electrical brake.
HGPI Gate position indicator.
HGOV Governor control.
HGTE Dam gate.
HITG Intake gate.
HJCL Power plant joint control function.
HLKG Leakage supervision.
HLVL Water level indicator.
HMBR Mechanical brake for the generator shaft.
HNDL Needle control.
HNHD Net head data.
HOTP Dam overtopping protection.
HRES Water reservoir.
HSEQ Start / stop sequencer.
HSPD Speed monitoring.
HSST Surge shaft or surge tank.
HTGV Guide vanes (wicket gate).
HTRB Runner blades.
HTRK Trash rack,
HTUR Turbine.
HUNT Hydropower production unit.
HVLV Valve.
HWCL Water control function.
IFIR Generic fire detection and alarm function.
IHND Generic physical human – machine interface.
KHTR Heater.
PRTR Rotor protection.
RFBC Field breaker configuration.
SFLW Media flow supervision.
SLEV Media level supervision.
SPOS Device position supervision.
SPRS Media pressure supervision.
XFFL Field flashing.

Voltage regulation example from IEC TR 61850-7-510 Ed1:


This figure shows the relation between an application function and the IEC 61850 object models.

IEC TR 61850-7-510 Ed1 (86 pages) is a comprehensive guide “how to use IEC 61850 for hydro power plants”.

Preview of IEC TR 61850-7-510 Ed1

1 comment:

  1. I'm curious (not being involved in any of the standards, I don't know how these things are determined), how are the following not considered to be generic LNs?

    FSCH Scheduler. This LN represents a task scheduler
    FHBT Heart beat function of a controlling device
    FXPS Functional priority status

    I can imagine such functions to be required in any number of mechanical/control processes, or even within a substation they could have their place. (GOOSE heartbeat function? Yes please.)

    And I expect a dam can leak at any number of places, no doubt, but why would they decide on making 2 LNs? Can't the different points not share a common LN and identify specifics through prefixes? I thought that was the convention.

    HLKG Leakage supervision.
    HDLS Dam leakage supervision.

    Unless of course there is a major functional difference. I never built a dam.

    What's your opinion on this?

    Great blog by the way, best thing I found that keeps me up to date.
