Tuesday, February 15, 2011

SCADA Systems Benefit from IEC 61850 - Test it on your own

Survalent Technology (MISSISSAUGA, ON), reported the completion of the Princes' Islands IEC 61850 based SCADA system project for Ayedas Energy Distribution Company that serves more than 1.8 million customers on the Asian side of Istanbul (one of Turkey's largest utilities).

"The project was implemented using IEC 61850 protocol for electrical substation automation, and communicates with 47 SEL protection relays."

""Being able to run our SmartHMI software on the SEL 3354 platform allows customers to take advantage of the features of IEC 61850," states Bijana Dimitrievska, General Manager, Survalent Europe. "IEC 61850 allows protection and control functionality in the substation to be modeled into different logical nodes, and grouped under different logical devices. This saves considerable time in implementing new protection devices because you do not have to map device points to SCADA points as in the case of DNP protocol.""

Click HERE for the complete news release.

Click HERE for an example of a typical logical node (MMXU) for electrical characteristics (current, voltages, frequency, active power, ...).

Following you find a brief tutorial explaining why you could save "considerable time in implementing new devcies".

You can specify a typical LN MMXU type for your project and re-use this type in any protection or control device. A new protection device added in the future will provide the same model!! There is no need for new points mappings. The LN type could formally specified in an SCL DataTypeTemplate (IEC 61850-6).

Here is a special DataTypeTemplate (I just designed for this post) with phase voltages (PhV) and frequency (Hz) only: lnType="MyMMXU-Type_0" (see below):


The logical device "Measurements" uses one or more instances of this lnType:

<LN lnClass="MMXU" inst="1" prefix="" lnType="MyMMXU-Type_0"/>

representing MMXU1 (the first instance). The hierarchical model looks like this:


The same LnType can be used for devices from any vendor ... from a SCADA point of view all measurements (Hz and PhV) of all devices have the same structure and names. The values have to be mapped internally in the devices to the real data values of the devices' applications (encapsulated/hidden).

A SCADA system would need mainly to know the IP address. The LD names and LN instances could figured out by retrieving the self-description from the device. In our example the device would respond: I am a device that contains one LD "Measurements" with a LN "Measurements"; the LN has a DataObject "Hz" and a DataObject "PhV" with "phsA", "phsB" and "phsC".

Or the SACDA system just reads the SCL file to get the model. The SCL document of the model of the IED can be used to simulate this device ...

The IEC 61850 Evaluation Kit provided by SystemCorp could be used to easily implement this (or any other) model, create a server and a client running under Windows. And use the services: GetDaaObjecValues, Reporting, GOOSE ... It is just that easy.

If you want to expose emulated or real voltage values through IEC 61850 you have just to emulate them in your server application or bind them to real values you have on your PC. The application software of the kit comes in exe and source code ... you can start right away to get your data exposed in IEC 61850. For six months FREE evaluation. The kit has two clients (C and C#) and a server (C).

Click HERE for a link to download the evaluation kit. Enjoy!

Click HERE for a comprehensive set of slides on the IEC 61850 Evaluation Kit with step by step explanation on how to use the various tools [pdf, 2 MB]

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