Sunday, February 13, 2011

IEC 61850 Test Tools for SCADA Applications

The other day I was asked for some guidance in the availability of IEC 61850 test tools for SCADA applications. Here is what I have responded (extended in this blog).

First of all, there are dedicated test tools for protection and control testing of the real-time application behavior (from Omicron, Megger, ...)

I guess you are looking non-real-time application issues. To my knowledge, there are no test tools available for SCADA functions that could run test sequences automatically. What I have so far recommend to experts is to develop their own application test tool that exactly provides what they need.

What you may need for your application test (for non-real-time functions) is to test the information exchange between a SCADA IEC 61850 client and an IEC 61850 IED server (protection, control, ...). This would comprise mainly the following tests:

1. Connect client to the server

2. Browse the model of IED

3. Read status and measurements and store the values in a client test application

4. Control outputs from/to a client/server test application

5. Reporting control and receive reports and store the values in a client test application

6. GOOSE control and sending/receiving GOOSE messages and store the values in a subscriber test application

The most known browser software is the IEDScout from Omicron. This can run tests 1 and 2. It would allow you to do a lot of manually tests for tests 3-6.

I guess what you need is a client that has an IEC 61850 API that allows your client and server Test Application to generate and receive messages automatically - in the order you want.

I would recommend to evaluate the IEC 61850 DLL from SystemCorp (Perth, Western Australia). The evaluation kit comes with two simple client applications (including application source code). You could easily extend the client application to implement a test application that could run your test cases automatically.

The evaluation kit is briefly introduced in the following presentation (from my seminars):

Click HERE to download the presentation [pdf, 2 MB]

The complete evaluation kit be downloaded form the following page:

I guess this is the most efficient way!

This kit also allows to build a server ... in order to test your SCADA application.

The kit runs for six months for free. The DLL could be purchased from SystemCorp later for a reasonable price.

NettedAutomation is developing more client and server applications using the DLL - additional applications will be announced on this block.

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