Friday, February 5, 2010

New PAP16 to deal with Wind Plant Communications according to IEC 61400-25

The NIST Smart Grid Priority Action Plan (PAP) has been extended by the PAP 16 "Wind Plant Communications".

Motivation for the new PAP:

"While an international standard for wind power plant communications interoperability exists, few if any developers or utilities have implemented it in the US. Given that 1.5 billion dollars in ARRA funds have been awarded to wind plant projects, it is critical to accelerate the adoption of this standard to ensure those funds do not end up going to systems that are not interoperable which eventually results in stranded assets and less market competition. Most of the existing command and control infrastructure for wind power plants and site monitoring is based on proprietary technologies and products or at best old protocols that are not capable of being managed or secured. The Director of the Utility Wind Integration Group (UWIG) – one of the two major wind industry associations – has brought this situation to the attention of the SGIP Administrator and has requested that a new PAP be formed to address this immediate need. "


  • February 11: Presentation to UWIG membership in Albuquerque – solicit participation
  • March 1: Begin weekly teleconferences
  • May: Completed set of use cases and requirements
  • July: Completed analysis of gaps in 61400-25 standard
  • September: Completed best practices
  • October: Completed recommendations to IEC TC 88


  • Gather and develop use cases and requirements related to wind power plant communications
  • Map these requirements to the existing 61400-25 standard and identify gaps and issues that are hindering its use in the US
  • Develop best practices on the application of 61400-25
  • Provide specific recommendations to the IEC TC 88 working group responsible for maintaining the 61400-25 standard to address the gaps identified.

Click HERE for the PAP16
Click HERE for the list of all PAPs
Click HERE to visit the Users Group for IEC 61400-25 USE61400-25

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