Sunday, August 23, 2009

Vendor-independent IEC 61850 Hands-on Training at Itaipu (Brazil)

To gain vendor-independent knowledge and experience is one of the crucial steps towards the implementation of IEC 61850 based multi-vendor projects. Itaipu (Brazil) has trained their substation experts in two courses. A comprehensive seminar at Itaipu was conducted in 2007 (Christoph Brunner and Karlheinz Schwarz). The hands-on training by STRI (Ludvika, Sweden) was run onsite in Itaipu last week (brief report in Portuguese).

The interoperability of IEDs (intelligent electronic devices) from different manufacturers needs to be tested. Experts have to understand the standardized functions AND restrictions build into the IEDs. How do IEDs use the standard? What are the constraints of limited resources in an IED? What are the functions (Reverse blocking, Auto reclosing, Switching with synchrocheck, Earthfault detection, ...) that use IEC 61850 and how are they using the standard?

STRI and NettedAutomation provide comprehensive education from understanding the Standards and Training with real IEDs - You’ll get first-hand, very comprehensive, vendor neutral and up-to-date knowledge, experience, and guidance. You'll learn how to reach interoperability of devices.

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