Click HERE for some photos from the exhibition provided by Oscar Naval … see IEC 61850 (IEC 61400-25) in action for the wind industry and other application domains.
IEC 61850, IEC 61400-25, IEC 61970 (CIM), IEC 60870-5, DNP3, IEC 62351 (Security), ...
Thursday, May 26, 2011
TÜV Süd – Getting involved in IEC 61850 Conformance Testing
Sunday, May 22, 2011
IEC 61400-25 & IEC 61850 at AWEA WINDPOWER 2011 Anaheim, CA, May 22-25
The interest in the International Standards IEC 61400-25 and IEC 61850 is picking-up globally and also in North America. Some 45 experts form BCIT (British Columbia Institute of Technology) and BC Hydro had been in a 3 day seminar and hands-on training in Vancouver, BC (Canada). More people were interested to attend – the meeting room just had 45 seats.
This week (Sunday – Wednesday,May 22-25) there is another step towards simple, powerful and easy to use automation devices that support at the
AWEA WINDPOWER 2011, Anaheim, CA, May 22-25:
- Standardized information and information modeling (IEC 61400-25-2, IEC 61850-7-x),
- Information exchange (IEC 61400-25-4, IEC 61850-8-1),
- System configuration language (IEC 61850-6), and
- Function programming (IEC 61131-3 and IEC 61499):
Booth 185 (Hall D) exhibits the full range of the above standards:
- Beck IPC (IEC 61400-25, IEC 61850, IEC 61131-3, …): Chips, Devices, charging station, PLC, …
- SystemCorp (IEC 61400-25, IEC 61850, IEC 61131-3, …): Stack Software, Devices, Tools, …
- ISaGRAF (IEC 61131-3, IEC 61499, IEC 61400-25, IEC 61850): Programming language/tool running on the Beck IPC Chip
See below the Booth 185 in Hall D:
A video of some 15 MB shows the steps in programming IEC 61131-3 using IEC 61400-25 and IEC 61850 on a Beck IPC Chip:
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Remote Service Forum und IEC 61850
Das 19. Remote Service Forum findet vom 6.-7. Juli 2011 bei der IHK Karlsruhe unter dem Titel “Von der Technologie zu neuen Dienstleistungen” statt. Neue Dienstleistungen im Bereich der erneuerbaren Energien und intelligenten Energieversorgungs-Netze sind unumgänglich, um die Flut der Informationen zum Überwachen, Steuern und Regeln des Energieflusses zu beherrschen. Industrielle Kommunikationsnetze (Feldbusse) sind kaum als Basis geeignet, weil es zu viele gibt: mehrere hundert!
In der elektrischen Energieversorung haben sich die Normen IEC 60870-5-10x (Telecontrol), IEC 60870-6 TASE.2 (Inter-control center communication), IEC 61850 (substation automation and protection, DER, Hydro power plant monitoring and control), IEC 61400-25 (monitoring and control of wind turbines), und IEC 61131-3 (open PLC programming language) durchgesetzt.
Herr Dipl.-Ing. Karlheinz Schwarz (SCC) wird am 7.Juli 2011 einen Vortrag unter dem Titel “Genormter Remote-Zugriff auf Informationen elektrotechnischer Erzeugungs-und Verteilungsanlagen mit IEC 61850” halten.
NettedAutomation GmbH wird in der begleitenden Ausstellung über die neuesten Trends bei der Realisierung von IEC 61850 basierten Komponenten berichten und Realisierungsmöglichkeiten für embedded controller und vieles mehr vorstellen.
HIER klicken, um das Programm und die Anmeldeinformationen herunterzuladen.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Electro Mobility, Substation Automation and IEC 61850
The basics for the infrastructure needed for the Electro Mobility have already been standardized – the electrical power delivery system: generation – transmission – distribution of electric A.C. power. The standardization of the electrical system has a long tradition. The monitoring, protection and control of electric power is automated in many higher voltage levels. There are mainly five international standards used all over: IEC 60870-5-10x for telecontrol, IEC 60870-6 TASE.2 for inter-control center communication, IEC 61850 for substation automation and protection, DER, Hydro power plant monitoring and control, IEC 61400-25 for monitoring and control of wind turbines, and IEC 61131-3 for a open PLC programming language.
These standards cover most of the needs for information modeling, information, system configuration, information exchange, and function programming for substations and power generation.
Mr Roland Bent (CEO of Phoenix Contact) stated the other day in the Open Automation magazine that EV charging stations are small low voltage substations. He is absolutely right! It is crucial to understand that the above mentioned standards are applicable in all voltage levels. What is the difference of a three phase Y-system for 400.000 V and 400 V? The multiplier of factor 10**3. There is no need to re-event the wheel again.
Here is an excerpt of Mr Bent’s statement in German:
“Ein noch wesentlich größeres, neues Marktfeld findet sich in der Infrastruktur für Elektromobilität. Ladestationen für Elektrofahrzeuge sind kleine Niederspannungsschaltanlagen mit all den Komponenten und Steuerungskonzepten aus diesem Bereich. Sie müssen auch informationstechnisch in die intelligenten Netzstrukturen integriert werden und stellen neue Anforderungen an IKT-Strukturen, zum Beispiel im Bereich der Abrechungssysteme. Auch hier werden wieder Kompetenzen und
Know-how aus der Industrieautomation benötigt.”
Click HERE to read the complete statement from Mr Bent.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
New Date for Seminar and Hands-on Training in Frankfurt
Please note that due to the huge fair IAA 2011 in Frankfurt mid-September 2011 we have deferred the date for the seminar on IEC 61850 Seminar and Hands-on Training from
14.-16. September to 05.-07. October 2011
The seminar will be held at the NH Hotel Frankfurt/Moerfelden.
Click HERE for the program.
Click HERE for the registration information.
ICD Documents for programmable and modular IEDs
If you have a modular 61850 product that can be shipped with a variable number of I/O cards, this may have a number of consequences:
- The number of LNs this product can support depends on the hardware configuration.
- LNs use shared resources, so if the user adds an LN of one type, he may not be able to add an LN of another type.
Be aware: everything is limited!
These tradeoffs are complex. If you produced an ICD file with the maximum number of LNs of every type your IED supports, for the maximum hardware configuration, the resulting file would be ridiculously large and unwieldy.
How to solve this issue?
All IEDs with a fixed functionality have definitely an easy to build icd file.
IEDs that are programmable or that are modular with one or more I/O cards are different. When the IED comes from the factory, you do not know what the application will be – so you do not know the information model and therefore you cannot provide an icd file for an application running on an IED.
What you could do is to provide an icd file that specifies the communication capabilities (services) and the DataTypeTemplates with all LNTypes that can be instantiated in that IED.
Once it is decided which functions (and LNs) will be running on a particular IED (with one, two, … or five I/O cards), then the IED Configurator (as a manufacturer-specific tool) can create the “final” ICD file for a particular function.
The icd must have exactly one IED section. I would put the LN instances of LLN0 and LPHD in the IED section. The other (functional LNs) would be added be the IED Configurator later … when the number of I/O cards etc are known and selected.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Is the Protocol Stack for IEC 61850 important?
No and Yes! No, compared to the many other aspects covered by IEC 61850, the protocol issue of IEC 61850-8-1 (upper layers like MMS and transport layers …) are relatively of minor importance. There are the two crucial areas defined in IEC 61850: Information Models and System Configuration Language. I usually put it that way: SCL, engineering and configuration is 51 per cent of the importance … may be 52 now …
There is no real need to discuss other protocols and mappings from the view point of importance.
Yes, the protocols are very crucial!! … when it comes to the question how and how fast and for what cost can I get IEC 61850 information communicated? To exchange even the value of a single bit position of a digital input requires the implementation of the various protocols like MMS, Presentation, Session, RFC 1006, TCP/IP, …
This was – and still is –in many cases a quite expensive and time consuming effort! Yes, the availability of the protocol software is very IMPORTANT!
The other day I received an email with the following: “Although we have a … license, we wanted to get started with SystemCorp's stack. The reason was simple: some manufacturers came to us asking what to do to incorporate IEC 61850 to their products. When we told them about …, what it costs, how big it's API is, etc, they got frightened and said that it wasn't worth by now. When we first saw SystemCorp's solution in your blog, we realized that it was an excellent product for companies that wanted to "explore" IEC 61850.”
A lot of people have made similar statements during the last months.
Impact of User Application on the Conformance of an IEC 61850 IED
One of the latest conformance tests has shown quite interesting results. An IED developed by SystemCorp (Perth, Western Australia) was successfully tested by KEMA recently. The IED uses a Beck IPC Chip as the core component. The SystemCorp IEC 61850 software (PIS-10 Stack) is running on this Chip platform as an integrated part – encapsulated and thus a given component.
In a paper SystemCorp has published a table of 120 test cases and shown which tested Functions are integrated in the PIS-10 Stack (integrated on the Chip) and which Functions are in the User Application that impact the conformance test.
More than 75 per cent of the test cases are of the first category (integrated in the Stack software) and less than 25 per cent of the test cases are directly depending on the User Application.
It is likely that other IEDs with the same Beck Chip and the same integrated PIS-10 stack will pass the 91 test cases of the first category easily.
Click HERE to access the table [PDF].
THE END: INTERBUS Club now part of Profibus User Organization
Ethernet has become THE major solution for future field busses – as has been suggested more than 20 years ago. It took many years before enough users requested Ethernet based field busses.
Interbus is one of successful conventional field busses – in strong competition with Profibus and other solutions. Finally, Ethernet wins over Interbus and many other standard field busses. The Interbus Club released this: “Within users a strong change by the field bus technologies in the direction of Ethernet is to be recognized. Hence, the INTERCBUS club had promptly decided to set on … ethernet based standard.”
Click HERE for more information on the end of the Interbus Club.
There are (too) many Ethernet based international field bus standards specified in IEC 61158.
On the other side, IEC 61850 has – from the very beginning – decided to use native Ethernet and ICP/IP as specified in IEC 61850-8-1. There is an IEC 61850-8-1, where is the IEC 61850-8-2? The mapping of the ACSI and the information models to Profibus FMS was intended to be published as 8-2. Fortunately it was decided very some 15 years ago (!) to rely on Ethernet, TCP/IP and MMS – and not on a field bus.