Tuesday, December 30, 2008

SEL has enhanced the support for IEC 61850 in 2008

SEL is now supporting IEC 61850 as Significant Substation and RTU Standard ... SEL as one of the world leading supplier of protection IEDs is providing a wide range of IEC 61850 compliant devices and tools.

A new brochure provides many links to a wide range of applications of IEC 61850 with various SEL products:

"Combine IEC 61850 technology, Ethernet networking, and SEL high reliability to perform station computing and protection, automation, and control for distance, current differential, distribution, transformer, bus, motor, and bay control applications."

Job Opportunities - IEC 61850 knowledge required

Experience with the International Standard IEC 61850 and other advanced IEC standards is a prerequisite for many open Job Opportunities! The application of IEC 61850 compliant IEDs and Tools is growing very fast all over - also in North America. Join a booming technology.

Here are a few Job Opportunities that require IEC 61850 experience:

  • 3G Malaysia ("... Excellent experience in IEC 61850/60870 protocol")
  • Virelec ("...Systems Integration (SI) Specialist IEC 60870-5-101/103/104, IEC 61850, TCP/IP ")
  • MR Control Systems ("...IEC 60870-5-101, IEC 60870-5-103, IEC 61850, ...")
  • SEL ("...Research Engineer – Communications Emphasis ... Experience with various SCADA protocols: IEC 61850, DNP, Modbus, IEC60870")
  • Think Energy Group ("...and substation automation protocols such as IEC 61850 and DNP 3.0.")
  • The Select Group ("...Understanding of the advantages of modern Substation Automation communication standards and protocols (e.g. IEC 61850, DNP 3.0)")
  • ABB ("... Comprehends the benefits of modern Substation Automation communication standards and protocols (e.g. IEC 61850, DNP 3.0)")
  • GE ("... Experience in substation automation and IEC 61850")
  • Siemens India ("... Experience on IEC 61850 protocol devices")
  • SCADA ("... Familiar with typical utility protocols such as IEC 61850, DNP, and Modbus")
  • Sinclair Knight Merz (SKM) ("... Knowledge in the related area of substation automation and in particular, the application of IEC 61850, would be highly regarded. ")
  • 3G Labs India ("... Looking for IEC professionals (61850/60870) ...Looking for IEC professionals (61850/60870)")
  • ...
If you need help from the real experts on IEC 61850 ... to become an expert in the advanced Standards and to get a better job ... check the following training opportunities on IEC 61850 and other Standards. We help you to get the skills required - You’ll get first-hand, comprehensive, up-to-date, vendor neutral knowledge, experience, and guidance:

Training Overview
Training opportunities on IEC 61850
Training Modules on IEC 60870-5, DNP3, ICCP, TASE-2, CIM, ...

Friday, December 26, 2008

IEC 61850 Hands-on Training at STRI was a success

35 power engineers from Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Norway, UK, Holland and New Zealand have been trained on how to use real multivendor IEDs for protection and control of substations. IEDs from ABB, Areva and Siemens as well as test sets from Omicron and Doble have been used to run the training. A second group has run hands-on training in the use of configuration tools.

The next public hands-on training by NettedAutomation and STRI will be held in Frankfurt (Germany) on March 03-06, 2009. Details on next course in Frankfurt

The first Interoperability test at the STRI Independent Interoperability Laboratory for IEC 61850 was performed in the end of November. Customer was Helinks LLC of Switzerland. The test verified the ability of the manufacturer independent Helinks STS configuration tool to act as an independent system configurator tool according to IEC 61850-6.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Various applications of IEC 61850 explained

An explanation of several applications of IEC 61850 can be found in a nice 48 page brochure published by Siemens (in English and Deutsch):
  • Switchgear Interlocking with IEC 61850-GOOSE
  • Reverse Interlocking Using the GOOSE of IEC 61850
  • Beneficial Engineering of IEC 61850 Substation Automation Systems
  • Innovative Solutions for Substation Control with IEC 61850
  • Seamless Migration
  • Ethernet Topologies with IEC 61850
  • IEC Interoperability, Conformance and Engineering Experiences
  • IEC Browser - A Powerful Test Tool for IEC 61850

IEC 61850 and IEC 61499 for Distributed Power System Automation

Distributed Power Systems need Distributed Power System Automation to reach a high level of an intelligent or smart grid. The standard series IEC 61850 and IEC 61499 (Function Blocks) could benefit from each other and provide the smart framework for distributed automation systems.

Neil Higgins, Valeriy Vyatkin, Nirmal-Kumar C Nair, and Karlheinz Schwarz have written one of the first papers presenting and discussing the use of IEC 61850 AND IEC 61499:

Concept for Intelligent Distributed Power System Automation with IEC 61850 and IEC 61499

This paper presents new approach to power system automation, based on distributed intelligence rather than traditional centralised control. The paper investigates the interplay between two international standards, IEC 61850 and IEC 61499, and proposes away of combining of the application functions of IEC61850-compliant devices with IEC 61499-compliant “gluelogic,” using the communication services of IEC 61850-7-2. The resulting ability to customise control and automation logic will greatly enhance the flexibility and adaptability of automation systems, speeding progress toward the realisation of the Smart Grid concept.

Keywords: Power system automation, IEC 61850, IEC61499, Smart Grid.

pdf of the paper

Website of Valeriy Vyatkin with background information on IEC 61499 etc.

Monday, December 22, 2008


Falls Sie Kenntnisse in IEC 61850, IEC 61400-25 ... OPC und DNP haben ... und sich für SCADA-Anwendungen interessieren und ..., dann könnten Sie sich bei RWE-Innogy bewerben: Details

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

IEEE 1588 for process bus time synchronization

The IEEE 1588 Standard Precision Time Protocol (PTP) is a new solution for very precise time synchronization on Ethernet networks. The days of "non-deterministic" Ethernet seem to be over ...

IEEE 1588 is about to have a crucial impact on the process bus applications of IEC 61850. IEC 61850-9-2 requires highly synchronized sampling processes for current and voltage sensors (CTs and VTs) in a substation. Today the synchronization is implemented using a separate fibre link.

A good soure of technical background can be found at the following site: http://www.ieee1588.com

First products are already announced, e.g., by Tekron (New Zealand).

More to come ...

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Siemens says - Goodbye GGIO!

Siemens says Goodbye to GGIO - Generic I/O Logical Node (see Siprotec newsletter 4/2008):

"The scope of standardized data object classes is often limited forcing users to use GGIO generic logical nodes (Generic Input / Output Data) instead. This will be a thing of the past. In the future all mandatory and optional data object classes and all logical nodes of IEC 61850 will be supported. The interoperability is thus greatly enhanced. All data objects can thus be transmitted so that the information semantics can be concluded directly from the object name. We thus obtain comfortable and transparent engineering, commissioning, test, diagnosis and service."

Siemens is very supportive of IEC 61850!!

Good news!!

Newsletter in Deutsch.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

IEC 61850 UTC time stamp next leap second this month

Dear All,

The IEC 61850 time stamp uses the UTC time. The next leap second will be added on December 31, 2008:

2008 December 31, 23h 59m 59s
2008 December 31, 23h 59m 60s
2009 January 1, 0h 0m 0s

That means Dec 31, 2008 is one second longer than any other day in 2008!

As a consequence my birthday is (one second) longer than yours!! Yes, my birthday is Dec. 31 ...

I hope your SCADA and EMS systems take care of my birthday and adjust their glocks by inserting one "Karlheinz" second on Dec 31, 2008.
TAI, Temps Atomique International, is the international atomic time scale based on a continuous counting of the SI second. TAI is currently ahead of UTC by 33 seconds ... soon 34 seconds.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

IEC 61850 and SCADA systems

Many of today's substation devices like protection relays are IEC 61850 compatible - one way or the other. From a SCADA point-of-view these and other devices can easily interface with such devices using the client/server communication services:
  • Get a value of single data object (GetDataValues – Client driven)
  • Get a list of values of data objects (GetDataValues with list sent in each request – Client driven)
  • Get the complete list values of data objects using a dataset object (GetDataSetValues – Client driven)
  • Get the complete list of values of data objects (of a dataset) using reporting (reporting, General Interrogation – Client driven)
  • Get the complete list of values of data objects (of a dataset) using reporting (reporting, Integrity period – Server driven)
  • Get one (BufTm=0) or more (BufTm>0) value(s) of data objects (of a dataset) using reporting on data and quality change and data update – Server driven)
  • GOOSE and Sampled Values … exchanges complete list of values of data objects of a dataset (events: application specific – Server driven
  • Get sequence of value(s) of data objects (of a dataset) using logging (on data and quality change and data update – Client driven)

These IEC 61850 services (except for GOOSE and SV) are mapped to the MMS protocol.

In IEC 61400-25-4 the IEC 61850 services are mapped to:

  • IEC 61950-7-2 ACSI and Information Models (LD, LN, DATA, DA, …) defined as webservices (almost all service in IEC 61850 become a corresponding WS in 61400-25-4)
  • (full) Mapping according to IEC 61850-8-1 MMS
  • (subset) Mapping to OPC XML DA
  • (small subset) Mapping to IEC 60870-5-104
  • (small subset) Mapping to DNP3

In the current scenario what should a SCADA vendor support in order to interface with 61850-compatible devices?

In existing installations with DNP3 or IEC 60870-5-101/104 it is recommended to keep these solutions. It is not recommended to just replace one protocol by another! IEC 61850 should be considered if SCADA systems want to benefit from the 3000+ standard information models and the substation configuration language (SCL, IEC 61850-6) to simplify the configuration of Gateways, RTUs, Data Management Systems, and SCADA systems and to simulate easily the Gateways, RTUs, and Data Management Systems!! Direct access from SCADA systems to IEDs may be required. Some utilities get rid of HMIs in Substations and provide IP access directly from the control center to the IEDs (trough routers).

EMS and SCADA systems of the big vendors have already or will have soon direct access to IEC 61850 compliant devices or systems. More to come soon.

Redundancy - IEC 61850 to refer to IEC 62439?

IEC TC 57 WG 10 considers to use in IEC 61850 the results of the edition 2 of the following standard developed by IEC TC 65C:

IEC 62439: Industrial communication networks: high availability automation networks

The CDV has been published November 21, 2008 (Document 65C/519/CDV); the ballot closes 2009-04-24.

The redundancy is intended to be handled in the link layer ... so that the higher layers do not need to be doubled! Be aware, there are several redundancy concepts in IEC 62439 ... you need to know which concept you want to choose before implementing the redundancy software.

IEC 61850 is likely to reference to Part 3 (PRP).
The IEC 62439 (2nd edition CDV) comprises the following solutions:

  • IEC 62439-1 Ed1.0, Industrial communication networks high availability automation networks -Part 1: general concepts and calculation methods (Including RSTP)
  • IEC 62439-2 Ed1.0, Industrial communication networks high availability automation networks -Part 2: Media Redundancy Protocol (MRP)
  • IEC 62439-3 Ed1.0, Industrial communication networks high availability automation networks -Part 3: Parallel Redundancy Protocol (PRP) and High availability Seamless Ring (HSR)
  • IEC 62439-4 Ed1.0, Industrial communication networks high availability automation networks -Part 4: Cross-network Redundancy Protocol (CRP)
  • IEC 62439-5 Ed1.0, Industrial communication networks high availability automation networks -Part 5: Beacon Redundancy Protocol (BRP)
  • IEC 62439-6 Ed1.0, Industrial communication networks high availability automation networks -Part 6: Distributed Redundancy Protocol (DRP)

Very good introduction to standard redundancy concepts, rationale, IEC 62439, etc. by Professor Hubert Kirrmann (ABB Switzerland) [PPT, 2 MB].

Schneider Electric offers IEC 61850 IEDs

Schneider Electric provides IEC 61850 connectivity for their Sepam protection relays:

Sepam units can be connected to an IEC 61850 station bus by one of the following:

ECI850 Sepam server for:
  • Sepam series 20
  • Sepam series 40
  • Sepam series 80
ACE850 communication interface for:
  • Sepam series 40
  • Sepam series 80 only (available soon).
Sepam units with ECI850 and ACE850 are compliant with:
  • IEC 61850-6
  • IEC 61850-7-1
  • IEC 61850-7-2
  • IEC 61850-7-3
  • IEC 61850-7-4
  • IEC 61850-8-1

Products [pdf, 680 KB]

User’s manual for Sepam 20/40/80 (2008-06) [pdf, 3,8 MB]

Friday, November 28, 2008

Hands-on Training at STRI big success

The first Hands-on Training at STRI in Ludvika, Sweden, from 25.-28. November 2008 was a great success.
Many experts have been trained on how to use real multivendor IEDs for protection an control of substations. IEDs from ABB, Areva and Siemens as well as test sets from Omicron and Dobel have been used to run the training. A second group has run hands-on training in the use of configuration tools.
The next public hands-on training by NettedAutomation and STRI will be held in Frankfurt (Germany) on March 03-06, 2009.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

IEC 61850-6 SCL Files from Areva available

Areva provides a comprehensive list of SCL Files (.icd files - IED Capability Description) for their IEDs. You can download these files easily ...

Overview of relays etc.

Example list for distance protection

All files for MiCOM P432 and P439

Single icd file example: P439-611-202.icd

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Phoenix Contact entwickelt IEC61850-Komponenten

Harald Grewe (Produktmanager IP67-I/O-Systeme bei der Phoenix Contact Electronics GmbH) berichtet am 11.09.2008:

"... Als langjähriger Partner vieler Energieversorgungs-Unternehmen setzt Phoenix Contact die Anforderungen der IEC61850 in entsprechende Komponenten um. Die Kombination aus umfassenden Branchenkenntnissen und einem tief greifenden Know-how in puncto Kommunikationstechniken wird zu ausgereiften Geräten führen, die zur Erhöhung der Produktivität der Schaltanlagen beitragen. ..."

Kompletter Beitrag im "Maschinenmarkt" ...

Thursday, November 20, 2008

IEC 61850 at DistribuTECH San Diego, February 3-5, 2009

The international standad IEC 61850 will be one of the crucial issues at the DistribuTECH, San Diego, February 3-5, 2009.

Monday, February 2, 2009 8:00 AM – FULL DAY COURSE

UU#305 – Using the IEC 61850 Standard for Communication Networks and Systems in Substations

Presented by: Members of the UCAIug

Course Description:
This seminar will provide an overview of how the IEC 61850 standard is being used in electric utilities today and an introduction to how to use the IEC 61850 standard for communications networks in substations from the perspective of industry leaders who are the editors for the standard and experts in the area of communications for utility automation. Topics will include an overview of system architecture, how data is modeled, mapping to communication protocols, configuring substations and testing, all using IEC 61850.
Who should attend this course?This is an intense comprehensive seminar on using the IEC 61850 Standard and is targeted at engineers interested in or considering applying the standard.

The course will be taught for the UCAIug by:
Christoph Brunner, UTInnovation
David Dolezilek, Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories
Herb Falk, SISCO
George Schimmel, Triangle Micro Works
Karlheinz Schwarz, NettedAutomation

All of the presenters have been and continue to be instrumental in the development of the IEC 61850 International Standard and its application to utility automation.

Register now.
Utility university schedule

Thursday, October 30, 2008

SystemCorp Perth/Australia provides IEC 61850 solutions

SystemCorp (Perth/Australia) announced the other day: "Substation control and other plant process automation tasks can be programmed easily using standardized IEC-61131 software tools. The preferred data exchange protocol for power control applications is IEC-61850."

The solution is demonstrated at the CEPSI 2008 exhibition in Macau (27-31 October 2008).

More details

Smart RTU running IEC 61850 on Linux

The Danish DISCOS® SmartCom RTU module is part of the DISCOS®System. The DISCOS® SmartCom RTU module is designed to link and integrate the DISCOS® System into high-level IT systems like SCADA solutions or other grid management IT platforms. The DISCOS® SmartCom RTU module is based on an ARM®processor running Linux, which offers connectivity according to IEC 6185o.

More details

Monday, October 27, 2008

IEC 61850-7-420 - DER extensions out for final vote

The extension of IEC 61850 for DER has been published for final vote:

IEC 61850-7-420 Ed.1:Communication networks and systems for power utility automation –Part 7-420: Basic communication structure – Distributed energy resources logical nodes

The voting period ends on 2009-01-09.

The FDIS provides many new Logical nodes:
  • 12 Logical nodes for DER management systems
  • 10 Logical nodes for DER generation systems
  • 10 Logical nodes for specific types of DER
  • 13 Logical nodes for auxiliary systems

Need more information? contact us please ...

CEPSI 2008 Macau and IEC 61850

During the first day of the CEPSI 2008 Conference and Exhibition in Macau (27.-31.11.2008) there is a great interest in IEC 61850. Several exhibitors have indicated that IEC 61850 is a one of the crucial issues here in Asia. The enquiries for IEC 61850 compliant data management products is really growing very fast. One exhibitor told me at the end of the first day: "We have been contacted by so many people that we could leave the exhibition already after the first day ... we have been visited by sooo many people ... including people form the big vendors ...".

The presentation of some four papers on IEC 61850 in the session "T&D - Substation and Distribution Automation" was visited by some 40-50 experts.

More to come.

STRI announced the second hands-on training for IEC 61850 to be hold in Frankfurt/Germany on 03.-06. March 2009 ... the first training in Ludvika/Sweden end of November 2008 is already sold out.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

ABB’s System 800xA supports IEC 61850

ABB USA reports on the use of IEC 61850 in ABB’s System 800xA

"... System 800xA fully supports IEC 61850, the global communication standard for Power Distribution and Substation Automation. It includes a recently released IEC 61850 interface that fully integrates switchgear and protection Intelligent Electrical Devices (IED) for the power distribution side of an industrial plant. System 800xA has always supported regular electrical devices for the process side of the plant, such as variable-speed drives, motor controllers and low-voltage circuit breakers to enhance equipment effectiveness and improve access to vital equipment and system data without the need for gateways, serial interfaces or hardwiring. ..."

Full text of the news ...
More about the use of IEC 61850 in Power Plants ...

Friday, October 24, 2008

TVA orders IEC 61850 solutions from ABB and GE

ABB wins $15 Million contract with TVA for IEC 61850 compliant relays
http://uaelp.pennnet.com reports: "... The IED 670 series supports the IEC 61850 standard for substation automation, providing extreme intelligence and flexibility that allows for interoperability in communication with other relays and substation automation components."
more details ...

TVA contract on GE Digital Energy's IEC 61850 compliant Universal Relays
http://www.marketwatch.com/ reports: "...The Multilin UR products not only met all of TVA's criteria but also offered comprehensive support for IEC 61850, the international standard for substation communication that reduces construction and design costs and will allow TVA to upgrade to future technology without having to replace its existing infrastructure. ..."
more details ...

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Security measures for power industry (BDEW)

The German association BDEW has published earlier in 2008 "a white paper specifying essential security measures for control and telecommunication systems ... for power industry organisations. The purpose of this document is to sufficiently protect the operation of these systems against security threats."

DE: Whitepaper: Anforderungen an sichere Steuerungs- und Telekommunikationssysteme
EN: White Paper: Requirements for Secure Control and Telecommunication Systems

Download dual language paper ... [pdf]

Saturday, October 18, 2008

IEC 61850 is no longer a novelty

ZIV USA states: "IEC 61850 is no longer a novelty. Its acceptance is growing and the number of practical applications in service that utilize it continues to increase. However, in the majority of applications all of the devices originate from the same manufacturer. Only a few projects have been converted into a real example of interoperability between devices from different suppliers to demonstrate in practice the viability and the success of the standardization process."

Currently there are many discussions about the "IEC 61850 interoperability".

What does the standard IEC 61850-1 define?

the ability of two or more IEDs from the same vendor, or different vendors, to exchange in-formation and use that information for correct execution of specified functions.
the ability to replace a device supplied by one manufacturer with a device supplied by another manufacturer, without making changes to the other elements in the system.

The interoperability ment in IEC 61850 is the communication interoperability! But, users usually want to have function interoperability! The function interoperability requires the FUNCTIONS to be defined - which is not (yet) the case in IEC 61850!

IEC 61850:
  • DOES NOT standardize (application) functions like interlocking function NOR the distribution of a function (1 or n IEDs) !!
  • Standardizes the information produced and consumed (3000+) by functions and how information is exchanged (get/set, control, report, log, GOOSE, SV …)
  • Standardizes a language to describe the substation topology, information models, communication, binding to process, the data flow, … (SCL – Substation Configuration Language; IEC 61850-6)

Interchangeability is NOT AT ALL defined in IEC 61850!!

Download a comprehensive document on IEC 61850 from ZIV (link to pdf file 11 MB can be found there).

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

IEC 61850, CIM, Security one-day-event in Mexico City - January 27, 2009

Karlheinz Schwarz, NettedAutomation (Karlsruhe/Germany) offers a ONE-DAY event on
IEC 61850, CIM, IEC 61400-25, IEEE 1686, ...

Where: Mexico City
When: January 27, 2009
Time: 09:00 a.m. to 06:00 p.m.
Language: English

The objective of the one-day event is to give an OVERVIEW and UPDATE on the current standardization efforts within IEC TC 57 and TC 88 and to present the USER, VENDOR and SYSTEM INTEGRATOR EXPERIENCE since 2005 - for applications inside and outside the utility industry:

  • IEC 61850: Communication networks and systems for power automation
  • IEC 62351: Data and Communication Security and NERC CIP
  • IEC 61968: CIM - Energy management system application program interface
  • IEC 61400-25: Communications for monitoring and control of wind power plants
  • IEEE 1686: Substation IEDs Cyber Security Capabilities
  • ...

Questions like the following will be discussed:

  • When will the 2nd Edition of IEC 61850 be available?
  • Do utilities really get what they are looking for?
  • Is the interoperability of substation IEDs already reached?
  • Turn-key versus "home-made" automation systems!?
  • What is the status of the harmonization of CIM & IEC 61850?
  • Is the security standard available? and implemented?
  • What is the relation between IEC 62351 and NERC's CIP?
  • What is IEEE 1686?
  • What about multivendor projects for IEC 61850?
  • What tools for IEC 61850 are available?
  • What's going on in North America?
  • ...

If you are interested to attend to get the latest information - neutral, up-to-date, experienced, and comprehensive - please contact NettedAutomation by email indicating how many experts from your organization may be interested.

Myongji University (Korea) cooperates with NettedAutomation

During the Seminar on IEC 61850 and IEC 61400-25 on October 02, 2008, at the Utility IT Laboratory of the Myongji University (Yongin, Kyunggi-Do/Republic of South Korea)

NettedAutomation GmbH (Karlsruhe / Germany) and
Utility IT Laboratory (Yongin, Kyunggi-Do / Republic of South Korea)
announced their cooperation in the area of the international standard series IEC 61400-25 and IEC 61850:

NettedAutomation GmbH (Karlsruhe/Germany) and Utility IT Laboratory (Yongin, Kyunggi-Do/Republic of South Korea) have agreed to cooperate in the area of standardized information, communication and configuration for the protection, automation and monitoring of power systems.

2.Duration of Cooperation
From September 2008 to August 2010.

3. Area of Cooperation
The two organizations have agreed to cooperate in the following areas of the definition and application of international standards related to Power IT solution for:
  • Renewable Energy Resources (IEC 61850-7-420)
  • Wind Power (IEC 61400-25)
  • Substation Automation Systems (IEC 61850)
  • RTU and SCADA applications for above listed areas
  • Various monitoring functions of primary and secondary equipment and functions

Seminar program (2008-10-02)

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

IEC Fieldbus Edition 2008

The 2008 Edition of the IEC 61158 Fieldbus standard "Industrial communication networks –Fieldbus specifications" has been published recently.
The picture depicts the stack of fieldbus standards of the IEC 61158 Edition 2007 (more than 60 parts, each part is a CD ROM as sold by the German DIN).
A good overview of the parts and the many solutions could be found in a table posted at the DKE website.

IEC 61850 in conventional Power Plants

ABB uses IEC 61850 in conventional Power Plants:

In Control, Issue May 2008, presents the new application domain for IEC 61850:

IEC 61850: New standard improves the automation of power plants

Today, power plants are highly automated. For large thermal power generators, all the sub-systems can be supervised from a central control room. The electrical systems are also one of these sub-systems. In the future, the new IEC 61850 standard will simplify the integration of electrical components from different manufacturers inpower plant automation systems and at the same time reduce the costs for the operation and maintenance of these plants.
Download magazine, EN (pdf, 1MB)

IEC 61850: Neue Norm verbessert die Automatisierung von Kraftwerken

Kraftwerke sind heute hoch automatisiert. Bei großen thermischen Stromerzeugern können alle Teilsysteme von einer zentralen Leitwarte aus überwacht werden. Zu diesen Teilsystemen zählen auch die elektrischen Systeme. Die neue Norm IEC 61850 wird künftig herstellerübergreifend die Integration von elektrischen Komponentenin die Automatisierung von Kraftwerken vereinfachen und zugleich die Kosten für Betrieb und Instandhaltung dieser Anlagen senken.
Download magazine, DE (pdf, 1 MB)

Additional Slides in German (pdf, 750 KB).

Sunday, October 12, 2008

IEC 61850-7-4 Edition 2 CDV approved

The IEC 61850-7-4 Edition 2 CDV approved by 100 per cent support.

IEC 61850-7-4 Ed.2:
Communication networks and systems for power utility automation -
Part 7-4: Basic communication structure -
Compatible logical node classes and data classes

Voting report

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

IEC 61850 for DER systems at PGE (Portland, OR)

One of the latest announcements to use and support IEC 61850 comes from the US - from Portland General Electric (PGE) ... according to ISA's InTech news report 2008-10.

"... PGE received a grant from GridApp to take GenOnSys applications to the next version, GenOnSys 2.0. “In order to be able to go into that world, we wanted a standard [IEC 61850-7-420] we and other utilities could use to allow everyone to do things the same way,”

"GenOnSys is able to provide a distributed realtime monitoring, live video cameras, and alarming system based on the IEC 61850-7-420 object standard for all sites."

More on IEC 61850-7-420 for DER ...

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Approved: IEC 61400-25-6 CDV

The Committee Draft IEC 61400-25-6 Ed.1:

Wind turbines -
Part 25-6: Communications for monitoring and control of wind power plants
- Logical node classes and data classes for condition monitoring

has been approved on Friday, October 03, 2008.

Voting Report.

The next step will be to prepare the FDIS. The Project Team PT 25-6 will meet in Copenhagen (Denmark) next week Oct 08-10) to prepare the next version.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Huge off-shore substation with IEC 61850

The huge off-shore substation for Alpha Ventus supporting IEC 61850 has been installed in the North Sea (nice pictures ... text in German).

Background information from one of the partner companies: EWE (pdf, 950 KB)

More than 250 visits per day

The IEC 61850 News Blog has been visited more than 250 times per day. There is always something to catch ...

I look forward to serving your needs in the future with up-to-date and crucial information on IEC 61850 and IEC 61400-25.

Keep tuned.

IEC 61850 OPC Server

ReLab IEC-61850 OPC device driver extends ReLab OPC Server capabilities and allows it to communicate with any IED that support IEC-61850 protocol.

ReLab’s OPC server provides along awaited bridge between IEC-61850 devices and OPC world.

More details ...

Standard PLC with IEC 61850 and IEC 61400-25

Beckhoff (PLC manufacturer from Germany) supports the standards IEC 61400-25 and IEC 61850 in the TwinCAT PLCs for wind turbine communication. Release in mid 2009.

Brief information in English ... in German ...
further information in German
further information in English

After the many fieldbus wars we see more and more PLC manufacturers returning to the "old" concept of MMS (ISO 9506, Manufacturing Message Specification) ...

IEC 61850 / IEC 61400-25 on a single page.

IEC 61850 and IEC 61400-25 at CEPSI 2008 (Macau)

IEC 61850 and IEC 61400-25 presented by Karlheinz Schwarz (SCC) at the CEPSI 2008 conference in Macau end of October 2008:

27 Oct 2008, Monday
4:15 pm – 6:00 pm Technical Session (IEC 61850 outside Substations, paper abstract)

31 Oct 2008, Friday
2:00 pm – 6:00 pm Technical Session (IEC 61850/61400-25 and Condition Monitoring, paper abstract)

I look forward to seeing you there.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Nari Relays successfully in operation

Nari Relays (Nanjing, China) provides a variety of products applying IEC 61850.

RCS-FAMILY Products Based on IEC 61850:

· RCS-900 Series Protection
· RCS-9700 Software Package
· RCS-9700 Series Bay Control Unit
· RCS-9600 Series Protection, Monitoring & Control Unit
· RCS-9698G/H Communication Control Unit
· RCS-9794A Protocol Converter (Gateway)

Product prochure (pdf, 1.4 MB)

Saturday, September 13, 2008

IEC 61850-80-1 to be published very soon

The final text for the Technical Specification (TS) IEC 61850-80-1 "Guideline to exchanging information from a CDC based data model using IEC 60870-5-101 or IEC 60870-5-104" has been sent by the project leader Wolfgang Brodt (Siemens Vienna) to IEC Central Office for preparation of the official TS publication. Wolfgang has done a great job to publish the TS!

"This Technical Specification gives a guideline on how to exchange information from a CDC based data model (e.g. IEC 61850) using IEC 60870-5-101 or IEC 60870-5-104 between substation(s) and control center(s). Mostly guidelines for functions needed in a substation gateway device are given.
The goal of this Technical specification is to describe standardized mapping of device oriented data models (e.g. IEC 61850) with already defined attributes of CDC's and services (e.g. IEC 61850-7) onto the already defined ASDU's and services of IEC 60870-5-104 or IEC 60870-5-101. It is not the goal of this Technical Specification to add any extensions to published standards (e.g. IEC 61850 or IEC 60870-5-104 or IEC 60870-5-101)."

Center for IT Standards in the Energy Sector (CISE)

Am OFFIS in Oldenburg wird im Oktober 2008 das "Center for IT Standards in the Energy Sector" (CISE) gegründet.

Flyer mit Details

Ziel: Bei zunehmender Anzahl und Heterogenität der Marktakteure, Geräte, Systeme und Anlagen in der zukünftigen (dezentralen) Energieversorgung ist die Automatisierung im Zusammenspiel mit dem Informationsaustausch eine sehr wichtige Komponente. Eine „semantisch saubere“, d.h. inhaltlich unmissverständliche Kommunikation der beteiligten Komponenten ist seit einiger Zeit Gegenstand der internationalen Normung bei IEC: IEC 61968, IEC 61970, IEC 61850, IEC 61400-25, ... ISO 9506. Mitarbeiter des CISE werden aktiv an der Gestaltung und Umsetzung der entsprechenden Normen mitwirken.

"Internationale Standards und Normen ermöglichen die Interoperabilität im Energiesektor und senken so die Integrationskosten. Der Umsetzung dieser Standards in Software ..."

Friday, September 12, 2008

One Page Introduction to IEC 61850 (IEC 61400-25)

One of the shortest introductions to the standard series IEC 61850 and IEC 61400-25 on a single page with the basics and an example ... download (pdf, 57 KB)

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Solvay uses IEC 61850 for Energy Control Center

Solvay (world-leading producer of chemicals, plastics and pharmaceutical products) uses IEC 61850 to ensure the chemical company’s power supply worldwide by utilizing an Energy Control Center based on IEC 61850. Solvay requires energy in large amounts on a consistent basis for its chemical processing, especially for soda production by electrolysis. Reliability and optimization of the supply are therefore vital to Solvay’ssuccess.

Solvay attached considerable importance to a solution with maximum standardization, not only for cost reasons but also because of its greater practicality. A standardized architecture for system features, archive and software module, as well as ease of operation and problem-free maintenance were therefore solidified in the invitation to bid.

Paper from Siemens in English, German

Reinhausen reports about successful integration of IEC 61850

Utilities in many different countries benefit from the Ethernet based networking offered by IEC 61850 for load tap change controllers. Reinhausen is one of the first manufacturer with integrated IEC 61850 capability in their devices. Reinhausen reports on several succesful projects in multiple languages:

News in German, English, Spanish, Italien, and Russian

Sunday, September 7, 2008

One Day Introduction on IEC 61850/61400-25 for renewable energy in Seoul

The benefits of using approved International Standards IEC 61850 and IEC 61400-25 for Renewable Energy Resources will be presented and discussed during a one day seminar in Seoul (South Korea) on October 2008-10-02.

The Myongji University organizes the event during the 60th Anniverary.

Flyer with details (pdf)

New IEC 61850-6 ICD Editor

Triangle MicroWorks offers a new IEC 61850 ICD Editor (IED capability description) that supports the creation and editing of Substation Configuration Language (SCL) files defined by the IEC 61850-6 specification.

Downloads: Evaluation version, Brochure, Manual, Test Server Manual

Friday, September 5, 2008

Kick-off meeting for IEC 61400-25 Interest Group

USE61400-25 – IEC 61400-25 user group in wind power kick-off meeting - the opening session for establishing an interest group focusing on the new IEC 61400-25 standard on communication aspects for wind power systems.

Invitation and agenda for first meeting in Copenhagen/Denmark, September 17, 2008

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Wind Power: IEC 61400-25 PLC library from Beckhoff

The IEC 61400-25 standard defines information models and information exchange for monitoring and controlling wind turbines. Its integration in Beckhoff's TwinCAT PLC (programmable logic controller) software will simplify the control and monitoring of heterogeneous wind farms considerably.

More details ...

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

IEC 61400-25-4 Mappings published as International Standard

The fifth part of the series IEC 61400-25 - part 25-4 for mappings - has been published recently.

The mappings specified in this part of IEC 61400-25 comprise:

– a mapping to SOAP-based web services,
– a mapping to OPC/XML-DA,
– a mapping to IEC 61850-8-1 MMS,
– a mapping to IEC 60870-5-104,
– a mapping to DNP3.

All mappings are optional, but at least one optional mapping shall be selected in order to be compliant with this part of IEC 61400-25.

A preview can be downloaded from IEC.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

How Vattenfall wants to benefit from IEC 61400-25

The IEC standard series 61400-25 (Communications for monitoring and control of wind power plants) provides a solution for access to wind power information with standardized data names and semantic. It gives possibilities to procure monitoring and control solutions as separate parts, and to use a single system to store, analyze and present wind power information.

Paper from Vattenfall discusses the potential cost savings - quite interesing:
Use of IEC 61400-25 to secure access to key O&M data

Vattenfall has been involved in the development of the international standard from the very beginning. This paper gives an introduction to the IEC 61400-25 series of standards and presents an overview of the different parts. Furthermore it describes how Vattenfall and other wind power owners and operators can benefit from the standard.

GE Multilin demo on IEC 61850 based HardFiber Process Bus at Cigré 2008 in Paris

GE Multilin has demonstrated their new IEC 61850 based HardFiber Process Bus System at Cigré 2008 in Paris. There were many experts that seem to be surprised seeing this quite simple approach used for HardFiber. HardFiber may be a first step in replacing copper wires between the switch yard and the control house.

The solution is - of course - quite restricted compared to what IEC 61850 could provide for a Process Bus.

One benefit - among others - is: the Bricks for HardFiber are available.

One drawback is: Bricks are (to my knowledge) interoperable with GE Relays ONLY. To be compatible with the Bricks it would require implementing GE-specific features ... these go beyond the standard IEC 61850!

Information on HardFiber can be found here.

Download the comprehensive Manual [4.5 MB, PDF]

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Siemens sold more 1000 plants with IEC 61850

Siemens reported during the Cigré exhibition in Paris (25-29 August 2008) that they have sold more than 1000 plants with some 50 000 IEC 61850 compliant devices.

According to a statement made in January 2008 Siemens is selling more IEC 61850 compliant devices than expected earlier!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

IEC 61850 Usersgroup at Cigré 2008 in Paris

The UCA booth #95 at the Cigré 2008 in Paris (25-28 August 2008) is a big success! Many utility experts from utilities, vendors, consultants, system integrators, and universities stopped at the booth to listen to presentations,

discuss the use of IEC 61850

and to make users and vendors happy

or just to collect some useful information.

More reports on the Cigré 2008 follow. Stay tuned.

Schniewindt demo on CT and VT according to IEC 61850-9-2LE in Paris at Cigre 2008

Schniewindt (Neuenrade, Germany) offers one of the first Hybrid Electronic Combined Current and Voltage Transformers (VT and VT) with optical-digital data transfer according to IEC 61850-9-2LE (light editon).

Information about the sensor could be found here.

The merging unit for the CT/VT according to IEC 61850-9-2LE is available (IX 9010 Optically Powered Data Link Ethernet Output module) and in use at the RWE Process Bus R&D project in Nehden (Germany).

For information about the merging unit contact Schniewindt directly.
Information about the IEC 61850-9-2LE could be downloaded.

More details on the RWE project will be disclosed shortly. Stay tuned.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

IEC 61850 at the CIGRE Exhibition 2008 Paris

The following UCAIug Booth Sponsors will be present at the UCA Iug Booth (#95) one way or the other:

AREVA, GE Digital Energy Multilin, RuggedCom Inc., Siemens, SISCO, Triangle Micro Works, UTInnovation, ZIV, KEMA

Ingeteam T&D, Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen Gmbh, Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Toshiba,

EFACEC, Kalki Communication Technologies, Nari Relays, NettedAutomation GmbH, OMICRON, RTDS

Several interesting presentations are scheduled:

Karlheinz Schwarz (NettedAutomation) will be available on Monday and Tuesday (25-26 August 2008) ... see you there.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

UCA International Users Group at Cigre in Paris

The UCAIug is one of the crucial supporter of IEC 61850.
Experts of the UCAIug members (e.g. Karlheinz Schwarz from NettedAutomation, Germany, August 25-26, 2008) will be available to meet you at the Cigre 2008 exhibition:

August 25-29, 2008
Stand #95
Palais des Congres
Paris, France

Several presentations will be given on August 25-28, 2008.

See you in Paris.

Monday, August 11, 2008

IEC 61850 for real-time communication

Ethernet is used for many years for real-time applications - most of the solutions use some dedicated hardware or software. IEC 61850 is sometimes understood as a solution that provides protocols and information models running on top of TCP/IP only ... as shown in the Industrial Ethernet Handbook.

IEC 61850 supports the exchange of real-time traffic:
  • Peer-to-peer exchange of staus and other simple information by the so-called GOOSE message (Generic Object Oriented Substation Event) - you may replace substation by system ... GOOSE uses Ethertye and multicast messages. Requirement to meet: delay of max 4 ms after failure in the electrical network. GOOSE messaging could be understood as remote I/O communication.
  • Peer-to-peer exchnage of sampled values of voltage and current measurements (80 or 256 samples/period - 4 kHz for 50 Hz system and 80 samples/period) (Sampled Value exchange. Samped Value exchange uses Ethertye and multicast messages.

All communication of the client/server for reading, setting, control, reporting, logging, retrieving self-description, ... is using TCP/IP and higher layer protocols.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Independent Interoperability Tests for IEC 61850

STRI has opened an Independent Interoperability Test Lab for IEC 61850.

In order to support Nordic Utilities and industries with the introduction of the new standard for communication networks and systems in substations communication STRI has decided to invest in an extensive interoperability test facility.

This Lab seems to be the first public Test Lab for Interoperability Tests - a real IEC 61850 Competence Center!

Read more ...

RTUs and IEC 61850

RTUs (Remote Terminal Units - German: Fernwirkgerät) are applied in many domains like power transmission and distribution. These RTUs meet the requirements of the past - but the future needs are far beyond the functions currently implemented.

One crucial future requirement is the communication between intelligent electronic devices (IED). A distribution automation device could communicate with many neighboring IEDs (peer-to-peer communication) and figure out autonomously what's going on in the distribution network ... and make decisions without a central SCADA system!

IEC 61850 has all the communication services to support the intelligent IEDs in the distribution network.

A paper from SEL shows an example how to use GOOSE messaging for peer-to-peer communication in distribution automation.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

STRI and NettedAutomation GmbH announced cooperation

STRI (Ludvika, Sweden) and NettedAutomation GmbH (Karlsruhe, Germany) announced today a close cooperation on IEC 61850 Comprehensive and Independent Hands-on Training with IEDs (intelligent elelctronic devices) and Tools from Multiple Vendors;

First hands-on training session in Ludvika (Sweden) on 25-28 November 2008

Objective and structure of the hands-on training

This training has the objective to provide both theory and practice on the application of IEC 61850 in a substation

The 4 day course consists of:
  • Module 1 gives a level 1 introduction to the IEC 61850 standard together with a summary with real applications and the demonstration of STRI facilities for multivendor interoperability testing.
  • Module 2 gives an independent and more detailed update on the IEC 61850 standard for substation and device modeling as well as communication principles with real examples.
  • Module 3 will present possible functional allocation and architecture of a typical substation with state of the art IEDs from different manufacturers (ABB, Areva, Siemens) as well as available test sets (Omicron, Doble, Programma) with group sessions on how to optimize the solution.
  • Module 4 is divided in two parallel courses.
  • Option 1 – IEC 61850 hands-on workshop demonstrating inter-operability of protection and control devices from ABB, Areva and Siemens.
  • Option 2 – Substation Configura-tion Language (SCL) hands-on workshop. Learn what you need to know for specification, evaluation, verification, and maintenance of IEC 61850 substations and IEDs.

Wind Power and IEC 61400-25

BTC and Deutsche WindGuard develop Wind Power Plant Control and Management System for
Offshore Wind Farms using IEC 61400-25 open communication more details ...

Saturday, August 2, 2008

IEC 61400-25-4 (Mappings) approved as International Standard

The fifth part of the International Standard IEC 61400-25-4 "Wind turbines - Part 25-4: Communications for monitoring and control of wind power plants - Mapping to communication profile" has been approved as International Standard on 01. August 2008!

The four parts IEC 61400-25-1, -2, -3, and -5 have already been published in 2007.

Voting result: 93 % approval !!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

BTC setzt auf IEC 61400-25 und IEC 61850

BTC Wind Farm Center (WFC)
Windparkleit- und Managementsystemfür Offshore Windparks

Das BTC Wind Farm Center umfasst:

  • Funktionen zur Überwachung und Steuerung aller Komponenten eines Windparks in Echtzeit
  • Funktionen zur Ressourcenplanung und -steuerung für den Betriebsführer
  • Funktionen für Zustandsanalyse und Ertragscontrolling für den Betreiber
  • Unterstützung des neuen IEC 61400-25 Standard als Kommunikationsprotokoll
  • Erfüllung der Berichtsanforderungen von Banken, Versicherungen und öffentlichen Stellen
.... unabhängigeProzesskommunikation mittels der Normen IEC 60870-5-104, IEC61400-25 und IEC 61850

Mehr Details ...

Offshore Windpark alpha ventus - Baustart am 28.07.2008

Die Arbeiten für den ersten Bauabschnitt des Windparks alpha ventus beginnen am 28. Juli 2008 ... mehr Information

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

500 kV Bradley Substation in operation

According to CNN Money the Tennese Valley Authority's (TVA) substation Bradley is a big step forward in the application of IEC 61850 compliant substations in the USA:

"The successful implementation of IEC 61850 is a reality now. Short lead-time, cost-effective, repeatable and flexible protection and control systems can now be designed and implemented at the highest voltage levels."

more ...

Monday, July 21, 2008

IEC 61850 presentations and seminars in Asia fall 2008

Several IEC 61850 related Presentations, Seminars and Training sessions in Asia in fall 2008 are planned by Karlheinz Schwarz (SCC):

CEPSI (Macau) Presentations - 27-31 October, 2008
(exact dates of presentations not yet known)

Brisbane (Australia) - 6-7 November 2008

  • Seminar/Update on latest developments on IEC 61850 - Interested? contact us ...

Wellington (New Zealand) - 10-11 November 2008

Auckland (New Zealand) - 13-14 November 2008

Friday, July 18, 2008

Doble Test Equipment speaks IEC 61850

Doble's Power System Simulator F6150 supports IEC 61850 GSE (GOSE and GSSE).

The F6860 IEC 61850–Compliant Protection Testing
Modern protection test systems are designed to comply with the IEC 61850 GSE messaging standard. The F6860 option and Doble protection testing software package make testing protection schemes that use IEC 61850–compliant IEDs (intelligent electronic devices) simple.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Bachmann electronic: MMS server for wind turbine controller

2007-07-17: Bachmann electronic (Feldkirch, Austria) offers IEC 61850 (IEC 61400-25) wind turbine controller M1 with MMS (Manufacturing Message Specification) as protocol to run on TCP/IP.

Press release English (Word document)
Press release German (Word document)

More details on IEC 61400-25 (Communications for monitoring and control of wind power plants).

Details on MMS.

Usersgroup for IEC 61400-25: start in September 2008

Vattenfall and other utilities have invited for the start-up of a Usersgroup for IEC 61400-25.

The start-up meeting will be on September 17, 2008, in Kopenhagen (Denmark). On September 16 there will be a meeting to celebrate the successful publication of the standards series IEC 61400-25.

Interested? contact us ...

Kommunikation A und O für zukünftige Energieversorgung

Die VDI-Studie "Smart Distribution 2020 - Virtuelle Kraftwerke in Verteilungsnetzen" fordert die konsequente Anwendung der Normenreihe IEC 61850!

Bericht in den VDI-Nachrichten vom 10.07.2008

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Did you know... Kalkitech Sub-Station Configuration Tool?


Kalki SCL Manager is the leading Substation Configuration Software Platform, that enables substation engineers and design and commissioning engineers to build different substation configurations, architectures, models etc., quickly and cost effectively, without being to be experts in IEC 61850.

More details and key functionality overview here...

Did you know... Visual SCL?


ASE’s Visual SCL is a graphical tool that allows the creation, editing and viewing of IEC 61850 SCL files without requiring knowledge of the underlying XML syntax. This allows the user to concentrate on the engineering process as opposed to XML syntax. IEC 61850-6 Visual SCL can be used for SAS functional specification (SSD files), IED capability description (ICD files), as well as SA system description (SCD files). Visual SCL contains high level graphical editing tools for the Substation, IED, and Communication models as well as a Data Template editor.

Download a 15 day limited evaluation copy and read more about the features of Visual Substation Configuration Language (SCL)...

Definition: SCL

EnBW to buy a quarter of EWE for 2 billion euros

German utility EnBW (Number 3 in Germany) agreed to buy 25 per cent of EWE for 2 billion euros ($3.2 billion). EWE is quite active in the renewable and distributed energy market .. as well as in the telecom business and software development (BTC). EWE and BTC both support the standards IEC 61850 and IEC 61400-25.

EWE and EnBW have said that the Information and Communication Technologies are the base of the future smart power systems!

Dr. Brinker (CEO of EWE) said: "... That includes in particular the combination of energy, telecommunications and information technology as a precondition for intelligent energy supplies in the future".

More to come.

Reuter's news report [de]
[de] EWE und EnBW beschließen Partnerschaft

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Google supports SmartGridCity in Boulder

SmartGridCity in Boulder supported by Google, Current Group, Xcel Energy, ... at a core of a $ 100 million program !! The information exchange for the smart grid is based on Current Group's BPL (broadband-over-powerline). This allows that every information needed for the future smart power system is available at any time. more details...

About Current Group

The connectivity to the transformers may also be used to tap any kind of useful information from the respective substation. IEC 61850 compliant substation IEDs would simplify the access of any needed substation information like voltage, currents, frequency, power factor ...

More to come.

Friday, July 11, 2008

IEC 61850 SCL-Validator

I found a free online SCL-Validator for IEC 61850.

"Here is a web-based SCL-validator provided to check the conformity of your SCL-files to the schema of IEC 61850-6.
Used version of the SCL-schema: xmlns="http://www.iec.ch/61850/2003/SCL" version="1.4"
All you need is to send your SCL-file into the application and get the validation result in a seperate window."

Try the online demo of the IEC 61850 SCL-Validator...

From protection to perfection - Unleashing the full potential of the IEC 61850 standard

WindowClipping (2) "Packed with the latest protection technology and featuring native support for the prevailing IEC 61850 substation communication standard, ABB's REF615 feeder protection relay is the ideal choice for the protection and control of your distribution substations. Implementing horizontal inter-relay communication and GOOSE services over an Ethernet substation LAN, the REF615 relays unleash the full potential of the IEC 61850 standard as demonstrated by a cost-effective, fast and reliable substation busbar protection system."

See the REF615 protection relay at the CIGRÉ 2008 Session in Paris, France, 24 - 29 August 2008.

REF615 Human Machine Interface (HMI) Simulator

The REF615 HMI Simulator offers you an easy and convenient way to get familiar with the HMI oerations and functionality of REF615.

IEC 61850 Links

Here is my IEC 61850 link collection (unsorted). Feel free to send me your favorite links to be added here.

IEC 61850 / 61400-25 Training

Here is a list of current seminars or training events on IEC 61850 / 61400-25:

  1. 10.-11. July 2008 (New Date)
    09:00-18:30 and 8:30-17:00
    Atlanta, GA (USA)
  2. 21.-22. August 2008
    09:00-18:30 and 8:30-17:00
    Paris (France)
    prior to CIGRE conference
  3. week 22.-26. September 2008 (new date!!)
    09:00-18:30 and 8:30-17:00
    Seoul (South Korea)
    prior to IEC TC 57 Plenary meeting
  4. coming soon

If you offering another event on IEC 61850 feel free to contact me to add it to the list here.

[de] VDE: Mehr Intelligenz ins Stromnetz

In den heise online News vom 2. Juli 2008 gefunden:

“Eine Voraussetzung für die optimale Einbindung des wachsenden Anteils erneuerbarer Energien in die Stromversorgung ist die breit angelegte Aufrüstung mit Informations- und Kommunikationstechniken (IKT) im Bereich der Verteilnetze. Darauf wies der VDE am heutigen Mittwoch bei der Präsentation der Studie "Smart Distribution 2020" in Berlin hin. […]

Anstelle der heute zur Netzsteuerung vielfach verwendeten proprietären Kommunikationsprotokolle unterschiedlicher Hersteller plädiert die Studie für den konsequenten Einsatz des Standards IEC 61850 auf allen Netzebenen und Übertragungsmedien.”

Den ganzen Artikel auf heise online lesen

[de] Dezentrale Energieversorgungsanlagen mit IEC 61850 kommunikationsfähig machen

Photovoltaik-Anlagen, Wasserkraftwerke, Brennstoffzellen, Blockheizkraftwerke, Dieselgeneratoren – jeder speist in das Verbundnetz ein, was er gerade zu bieten hat?

“[…] Dazu bedarf es eines Taktstockes, also eines Kommunikationsmediums, das alle angeschlossenen Teilnehmer gleichermaßen verstehen. Das DKE/K 952 Netzleittechnik ist der Ansicht, dass so ein Taktstock auf Basis der IEC 61850 definiert werden kann und hat hierzu den DKE/AK 917.0.17 einberufen”

Lesen sie den Steckbrief des DKE/AK 952.0.17 (pdf) als auch den ganzen Artikel

Smart Grid Vehicle - Putting IEC 61850-7-420 on wheels

A new project from German Section of the International Solar Energy Society (DGS) has started putting IEC 61850-7-420 on wheels: the Smart Grid Vehicle (SGV).

“Smart Grid Services: Electric cars are basically batteries storage systems on wheels and can serve as versatile distributed energy resources… managed via IEC 61850.”

Read more at the SGV Web site…

[de] Virtuelle Kraftwerke brauchen viel Kommunikation

Energie: VDE-Studie macht Vorschläge für die Einbindung von Ökostrom in Verteilungsnetze - Neue Speicher und Lastmanagement sollen den Anlagenbetrieb unterstützen

Das Ziel der Bundesregierung ist klar: Erneuerbare Energien sollen einen wachsenden Anteil an der Stromerzeugung erbringen. Doch die zahlreichen dezentralen Anlagen - von Windkraft über Biomasse bis Photovoltaik - müssen sinnvoll ins Netz eingepasst werden. Der Verband VDE erarbeitete dazu ein Konzept.


Der VDE plädiert für den konsequenten Einsatz des Standards IEC 61850 (Wikipedia EN), weil damit auch Datensicherheit gewährleistet sei.

Weiter lesen…